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MB2 to Ford? Martin part owner? The LTN Radio Network reported today [Oct 8th] that Mark Martin's long-term plans with MB2 Motorsports will include at least part ownership of the team. This ownership, combined with Martin's long-term relationship with Ford, means the 3-car team will change to the "blue-oval" before Daytona 2007. The team will also include 2 Busch cars and 2 late models for a driver development program.(LTN Radio Network)(10-8-2006)
UPDATE: Bobby Ginn, Principal Owner of MB2 Motorsports talked with the media: ON THE JAYSKI RUMOR ABOUT MOVING TO FORD:[um, wasn't a Jayski rumor..but] "No, I don't think so. I have this theory that if you haven't heard a good rumor by noon, just start one. And around here, it's pretty easy to do something. Somebody says something and somebody gets it started and it's pretty easy to spread. But we're a Chevrolet team." DO YOU HAVE A SPONSOR FOR YOUR THIRD CAR OR IS THAT GOING TO BE YOUR COMPANY? "If we don't have a full sponsors, it'll be the company." HAVE YOU DECIDED ON A TEAM NAME YET? "It's going to be Ginn Racing next year. When we did it, NASCAR asked us not to change the name in mid-season, and that was fine. We're going to market it under the brand we market our real estate and hospitality operations under." WHAT'S THE STATUS OF THE NO. 14 NEXT YEAR? "I think Waste Management is back. And we've got a couple of others that are close." IS THERE ANY TRUTH TO THE REPORT THAT YOU GUYS ARE LOOKING AT, OR HAVE ALREADY SIGNED A DEAL TO GO TO FORD NEXT YEAR AND THAT MARK MARTIN IS BUYING INTO PART OF THIS TEAM? "No." IS MARK MARTIN GOING TO HAVE ANY OWNERSHIP IN THE COMPANY?"No. Mark wants to drive race cars. You go talk to him and he'll tell you. He doesn't want to worry about sponsors or endorsements or merchandise. He wants to drive race cars and help us build a race car team. That was the way we were able to accommodate him. He's going to be a very important part of it - along with Sterling and Joe. We've got veteran drivers that have won a lot of races and have been around the track for a long time. We're going to use those guys to help us build the organization."(GM Racing PR)(10-9-2006)