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Sponsor change on the #29? UPDATE 2 Shell?: hearing that GM Goodwrench will not return as the primary sponsor of Kevin Harvick's #29 RCR Chevy in 2007, supposedly Reese's/Hershey's will return as a co-sponsor and a gasoline and lubricant supplier would be the other co-primary.(9-16-2006) UPDATE: During the PRN's "Fast Talk with Benny Parsons" radio show Monday night car owner Richard Childress commented briefly on rumors that GM Goodwrench would not be back to sponsor Kevin Harvick's Chevy in 2007. "There's always rumors out there swinging around. We're talking about 'em right now...we're looking at what we're going to do next year and right now our plans are Goodwrench and Hershey for next year but who knows what can happen in the sport...things change."(PRN's "Fast Talk with Benny Parsons" radio show)(9-19-2006) UPDATE 2: hearing the new co-primary sponsor for the #29 RCR Chevy will be Shell Oil, no idea how many races. Hershey's/Reese's will return in 2007, supposedly in a simliar number of races as 2006.(10-5-2006)
UPDATE 4: it was announced on Saturday, Oct 7th at Talladega Superspeedway that Shell/Pennzoil will sponsor the #29 RCR Chevy in 2007 for a unspecified number of races, Hershey's will still sponsor some races and GM Goodwrench will be aboard as a sponsor for a couple of races. The 2007 car was unveiled using the Car of Tomorrow painted in Shell/Pennzoil colors, mostly yellow with a white roof, the word Pennzoil and the Shell logo on the hood, Shell and the Shell logo on the quarter panels.(10-7-2006)