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Now with all that out of the way.....Let's make some laps!
the night was eventful but i did not think there was this much in the "police log"
Charlie Christoforo - was the one that spun in the back stright and caused the leaders to scramble when he pulled his car infront of the comming leaders, SMS miscounted the times he was black flagged, i counted 6 and the the flagger was about to throw the flag at him to make sure he seen it......
Bo gunning and chris jones - post race nudges, i really did not think it was a big deal, apparently sms did,
Lori-Jo Rzeszutek - this happened in the begining part of the race, she was parked at the end of lap 2, in recent weeks she has been in the spotlight about handling herself on the race track, just 2 weeks before she spun in turn 1, instead of keeping her car against the wall she drifted down and almost gets clobbered by incomming traffic, this is the entry divsion, but still drivers need to use there heads.....
Charlie Christoforo - was the one that spun in the back stright and caused the leaders to scramble when he pulled his car infront of the comming leaders, SMS miscounted the times he was black flagged, i counted 6 and the the flagger was about to throw the flag at him to make sure he seen it......
That was probably one of the stupidest things I've ever seen.
They give you 3 laps to heed to the black flag, so the 3 laps he ran after that (with the white X on it) equals 6 laps total. He got fined for the 3 laps with the X through it.
The deal with Chris Jones is funny. He was already on probation for the rest of the year from stuff he did a couple weeks ago. He hits a car after this week's race and gets fined again. Just what the hell is probation then?? A heavier slap on the wrist??
Sick wrote: That was probably one of the stupidest things I've ever seen.
They give you 3 laps to heed to the black flag, so the 3 laps he ran after that (with the white X on it) equals 6 laps total. He got fined for the 3 laps with the X through it.
The deal with Chris Jones is funny. He was already on probation for the rest of the year from stuff he did a couple weeks ago. He hits a car after this week's race and gets fined again. Just what the hell is probation then?? A heavier slap on the wrist??
ah ok so its 3 laps after the 3rd time he was given the BF.......
that is what i thought too, SMS must be really concerned about keeping there car counts intact, if someone did that in the LM or dare ranks, i dont think you would ever see them back, LOL at the heavier slap on the wrist, i think it was one of those scoldings of like "you know what were talking about here, dont do it again please?"