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Mike Leaty Wins Spencer Speedway Track Championship In 1986, Jan Leaty won the track championship at Spencer Speedway. On Friday, September 8th it was the last race of the season at Spencer Speedway and it was a night for celebration. Mike Leaty had already wrapped up the track championship 20 years after his father won the title. This makes them only the third father and son tandem to win the track championship at Spencer.
We actually won the first race of the year and never gave up the points lead all season. Add to that the fact that our Branich Motorsports car completed every lap of every race this season (for a total of 507 laps) makes our first championship even more impressive. As for the nights racing, we started the Lyons National Bank car in the 3rd position and dropped back at the start of the race. It was a hard fought event that saw a lot of hard racing but we were able to fight back for a 2nd place finish at the end. It was our third straight 2nd place finish which can get frustrating but the night was still a huge success. We were there to celebrate with our family, crew, and fans. MPL and Branich motorsports wants to thank everyone for all there support this season at Spencer and hopefully we can have a strong run in the seasons last two RoC races.
This weekend we run the famous Race of Champions 200 in