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BARRE, VT – New Hampshire Int’l Speedway (NHIS) in Loudon has posted a $500 bonus for the drivers leading at the half-way mark in each of the New England Dodge Dealers Milk Bowl’s three 50-lap segments. The first competitor to take the mid-point indicator Sunday during each portion of Thunder Road’s 43rd annual event will receive a $250 bonus; the second driver will get $150 and the third, $100. All told, more than $8,800 in “Lap Leader” money will be paid out following Sunday’s event for the American-Canadian Tour (ACT) competitors. The other 147 laps will each pay $50 to be split among the top three racers $25, $15, and $10.
Coupled with the $10,000 winner’s purse, the $1,000 Booth Bros/H.P. Hood Fast Timer Award, $500 Five Star RaceCar Bodies Award, $150 Lenny’s Hot Shoe Challenge Award, and others, the winner of Sunday’s event could take home nearly $15,000.
Milk Bowl action kicks off on Sat, (Sept 30) with Booth Bros/H.P. Hood Qualifying Day with Late Model Time Trials. In addition to qualifying races two of Thunder Road’s weekly divisions, the Late Models will also have 50-lap qualifying races. The track’s PowerShift Warrior racers will also have their season-ending feature and crown the division’s 2006 champion. Sunday’s racing kicks off with the Last Chance “B” Feature for the Late Models. In addition to the three-segment Milk Bowl, main events for the NAPA Tiger Sportsmen and Allen Lumber Street Stocks will be held as will the bi-annual Politician’s Cow Chip Toss. Post time both days is 1:00 pm. Spectator gates open at 10:00 am