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SK-Modified winners Tom Fox and Diego Monahan topped a slate of 12 different winners as Waterford Speedbowl ended regular Saturday night racing with a bonanza of activity. The Speedbowl crowned two champions as well.
Tim Jordan and Danny Field clinched the Late Model and Mini Stock championships respectively and Dennis Gada is all but assured of his sixth SK crown headed into this weekend’s Finale.
Rescheduled rainouts resulted in the marathon. In addition to Fox and Monahan, the win list included Allen Coates and Larry Goss in the Late Models; Greg Butler Jr. and Al Stone III in the Sportsman; and Joe Godbout III and Phil Evans in the Mini Stocks. It was the first-ever win for Butler and the first of the season for Stone.
Dan Valentine of Faith Church Ministries of New Milford scored a convincing win in the Faster Pastor race. Curtis D’Addario Sr., a nine-time Wild n’ Wacky Wednesday winner, added another X-Car feature Saturday night, edging Mark Caise at the checkered.
Jordan, the first-ever rookie to win the Late Model title, did it the hard way –a couple of 15th places, the second in Jay Lozyniak’s regular ride. The consistent Field was in character with a third and a second. Gada needs only to start Sunday’s 100-lap SK feature to capture his record-tying sixth crown, following a fifth and second.
A seventh and a third put Joe Curioso III back into the Sportsman point lead but by a scant four points over Dwayne Dorr heading into the Finale.
Fox grabbed the lead at the start and won the resumption of the SK-feature stopped after 12 laps on Sept. 9. Gada made a determined outside bid following a restart with 16 laps left but drifted back to fifth at the checkered.
Monahan held back Gada for most of the second half of the second SK race and claimed his third win of the season.
Coates took the lead shortly before the halfway point and then survived a host of restarts to capture the first Late Model feature. It was the second win of the year for Coates. Larry Goss took the immediate lead and breezed to victory in the second Late Model feature. It was his second win of the season.
Butler and John Puglisi swapped the lead several times over the final seven laps, Bulter taking over for good with three left. Stone took the second Sportsman feature following a battle with Bill Gertsch Jr.
Godbout romped to his second win in the first Mini Stock feature. Evans was equally impressive in the second. A lap six crash in the first feature eliminated six cars including contenders Richard Brooks, Jeff Miller and David Silvia.
Jeff Sharp of the Norwich Worship Center finished second for the second straight season in the Faster Pastor race with Edward Haynes of the Resurrection Life Christian Center Church International of Hartford third.