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Now with all that out of the way.....Let's make some laps!
Thing's seem to be running a bit behind tonight for what ever reason. Scott reports the first feature of the night the SK Lite's has just taken to the track now. We will return shortly with the results.
Making thing's worse, apparently the #42 SK Lite of Kyler Cafro made hard contact with the turn 3 wall an the red flag has been displayed to repair a section of the wall.
We will return shortly hopefully with some results..........
last nights events were brutal for the fans and eqiupments to say the least
i had arrived to the sms at around 6:30 to find out that they were not even done with the sk light heats, which i found to be strange
i knew that tonight was going to be cool and raw as there was a possabillys of a fog out since the area near my house had dense fog for the last 4 days, but there was no fog,
the features not including the 16 means 16 did not start untill 9:30 with the sk lights, the race itself was clean but 2 points contenders had troubles and in the 1st time in SMS history that there is a 4 way tie for the title, i dont think ANY TRACK had a 4 way tie nevermind a 3 way tie..... shelly perry pulling a ROCKY gave people in the stands something to cheer about by going the distance and being one of the 4 drivers tied for the title, this race was red flagged once for nearly 15 mins for a guardrail failure, brit anderson was the eventual winner
next out was the late models, mark lewis nailing down the 1st win in the late medel ranks, the points situation did not take a nearly drastic turn as peterson and pitkat finished 2nd and 3rd, and this will go down to the wire,
the limited late models were out next, and this is one of the stupidist moves i have seen in a long long time, as Charlie Christoforo spun off of turn 2 on lap 1, waited for a yellow to be waved, relizing he was not going to get the yellow, pulls back out in the middle of the track with the leaders comming of turn 2, the pack of 17 cars split him and caused almost the big one, he should have been parked just for that but i think he was parked for a bumper about to fall off though, andrew durand took a win in a heated 3 way run for the finish
the sks were out next, and this reminds me of 1990 at the riverside park speedway as it was so cold that i had to take a run to the concession stand, and no it was not for beer, it was coffffffeeeeeeeee as i was talking to OWR my hands started to numb out, and then the sks were doing there hotlaps, lloyd agor and jeff baral almost pulled off the track with agor having undisclosed problems with the car<does anyone know???> and baral pulling off with transmission problems, after 3 bad starts and todd owen was pushing water out and lost 3 laps in the process, with 3 laps in the books, the field thined out from 24 that started to around 17, after this the race ran without a problem, minor yellows flew, but eric berndt broke on one of the restarts and also went behind the wall, jeff malave also had problems, and was laps down by the finish, frank rucco in the stash butova prepared 91sk took the checker followed by willie hardie , woody pitkat and chris jones, other notables, TC im sure ruffled a few feathers to get 5th.............
the dares started with 28 strong..... and it was pretty much a crashfest, norm sears came thru the field twice to score a 3rd...... bill dunn finished 2nd...... and jeff jolley won the feature..... with this feature the program ended at 11:45pm
in all, most people in the stands will be glad when the warmer afternoon weather of the fall final because it was burtal sitting in the stands, being a fool i did not take a blanket, but that is enuff of that, hope you guys attend the fall final as it will probally be the most exciting points battles that sms has seen in a long time......
I was glad I brought my nice winter coat with me (down feathers are just so warm). Of course, about 30 laps into the SK race, I was in such a frenzy that I had to remove my nice protection so I could clip everything I needed onto me (cell phone, camera, pen). And by the time the DARE Stock feature ended, I was still a little out of breath.
so did baral and berndt (lost a tranny). woody lost one a few weeks back. i would say about a dozen tranny failures this year - some guys more than once. i think sms should change the tranny rule again. this never happened with the saggys (i know shifts arent as good). richmond is cheaper than jericho. the richmond has a design flaw and they all break for the same reason - i bet any of the guys who broke one would have gladly paid more for one that doesnt break.
From what I'm hearing Anon, the deal with some, if not most of these Richmond's failures is drivers are not using the clutch on the start's and just power shifting them. The driver's that are using the clutch on the start's are having little to no problem's.
You can still use Saginaw trannies in the SK or late model divisions. Any OEM production 3 or 4 speeds. In the the SK's the only aftermarket trany allowd is the Richmond. Lots of guys still use Saginaws-cheap and easy to rebuild. IMO the way to go would be a Jericho-If they don't blow up in Tour Mods on a road course they won't blow up at Stafford. Too bad they cost too much.
yes, the richmonds are more reliable if you use the clutch. but they still have a design flaw. there is a gear in there - forget the name - needs to be replaced about every 3-5 features.
you can use the saggy. it doesnt shift as well as a working richmond.
If you dont pay attention to the little thing's ie, jets, carb settings, plugs etc you can get "bit" but besides that the cold doesnt lead to much more than more wreckin sometimes because of the hard tires.
Mazdai an Anon great points on the Jericho, would be nice if it was more affordable.
It would be nice when it gets as cold as it did this past Friday for EVERY division to get 3 or 4 hot laps.
you mean by hot laps to prevent trannys from breaking? the sks were the only ones to have that issue friday night, but i do agree with you on all divsions hot lapping to get the tire temps up but as far as the night went, we would have pulled an eldora by racing untill 4am LOL J/K, but serously, the night was already long and hot lapping, would have caused more problems then good in terms of time constraints
3 hot laps and an extra caution lap add 2 minutes to the program. I'd rather have that then 8 cars in the fence going into 1 because someone got in to deep on cold tires.
true,,,,, i dont like the idea of 8 cars in the fence either, but alot of people left between the 9:30 and 10:30 area, there was a gapping hole of empty stands where i was sitting in turn one, and this was the time that the late models took the checker too........ stafford is not to customed to run features this late, usually labor day weekend is there last week so cold tires, cold parts etc etc is not a problem, i think next year if stafford where to do this again, start the heats in the afternoon along with the dares, and start features at around 645 or so, it gets very coldddddddd in the stands in the 3rd week of sept.. lol
Definitely agree Sick and Warren, hot laps are a must when temps drop. You absolutely have to keep the show moving along for the fan's etc but as Warren said, a couple of quick hot laps and possibly avoiding wading up half the field on the first lap is worth it. What is going to cause more of a delay to the program? Two or three hot laps, or mopping up a 5 + car wreck?