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Power Outage at NHIS causes problems, sets #27 back 4 laps: A power outage left only NASCAR’s generator-driven apparati up and running at the start of the race at New Hampshire. The governing body generously shared its power with television, so that the broadcast booth, along with the space housing race officials, could be air-conditioned. As a result, the pre-race prayer and singing of the national anthem were conducted for TV audiences only. The whole affair was staged, and most of the capacity crowd didn’t know it was taking place. In fact, while the prayer was being delivered, the crowd was taking part in “the wave,” and practically no one was standing at the beginning of the anthem. Gradually, fans became aware that something was going on because they could see the pit crews standing at attention on pit road. Since TV couldn’t fully eliminate from its live pictures all evidence that the fans didn’t know what was going on, TNT anchor Bill Weber had to mention afterward that there had been a power outage. During the first caution period, power was restored.(Gaston Gazeete) AND Electrical power to the New Hampshire track blinked out just minutes before the start of Sunday's race. But the 300-mile event started right on time, thanks to generators that kept all of NASCAR's equipment, including timing and scoring, up and running. The TV broadcast by TNT was also able to continue without interruption until full power was restored after just four laps had been run. Ted Christopher's [#27 Chevy] car was held in the garage until after the power came on because his spotter, who apparently was stuck on an elevator, had note reported to the spotters' stand at the top of the grandstand. Christopher started the race four laps behind. Officials said an auto accident away from the racetrack knocked down high voltage lines and caused the brief outage.(FoxSports/AP)(9-18-2006)