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SHELLY PERRY WAS ON THE VERGE of making Connecticut track history. Twice over.
Instead, she's been relegated to watching the last few weeks of the season from the stands after a freak injury during Sunday's Modified Mania event at Thompson International Speedway.
Perry was running 10th on the green-white-checkered finish to the 75-lap True Value Modified Series event when she braked to avoid a multi-car pileup in turn 3 immediately following the restart. Perry said another car behind her, also trying to stop, made slight contact with her front tire. It was enough to rip the steering wheel from her hands.
I just didn't have enough strength to withstand the wip and my wrist broke, Perry said of her injured left wrist. It's a pretty bad break.
She was transported from the track to Day Kimball Hospital in Putnam, where she had it set. A three-quarters cast was put on because of the swelling and is scheduled to switch to a full cast by next week. According to Perry, doctors told her she couldn't race for two months.
Now the Ashaway, R.I. driver is left to hope for a little rain.
She holds a 62 points lead over Killingly's Scott Michalski in Thompson's Mini Stock division. Rick Blanchard is 66 points back. There are three points events remaining, including today's. According to weather.com, there is a 80 percent chance of rain today and a washout would give Michalski and Blanchard one less event to make up the deficit.
Perry is also six points behind Chris Matthews in the SK Light Division at Stafford Motor Speedway. Perry had the point lead before a 12th last week her first finish of the season outside the top 10 dropped her to second.
Officials at both tracks said they believe that no woman has ever won a weekly racing division there.
I said since the beginning of the year, the points championship is luck, Perry said. You never know what's going to happen any week. We just ran out of luck.
I'm a little sad, but what are you going to do? Stuff is going to happen. We've really had a great season, so I can't cry too much.
The plan is for Perry's father, Butch, to finish out the season in the SK Light. Depending on how her wrist feels, she may attempt to start the Mini Stock race next week and let somebody else finish in order to protect her points lead.
She also plans to sell the Mini Stock at the end of the season. Perry would like to move up in Modifieds and potentially run in the Sunoco division at Thompson or the SK division at Stafford, contigent on sponsorship. She also expressed interest in running some of the local True Value Series races.
Having raced Mini Stocks, SK Lights, True Values and the American Race Trucks, Perry figures why not give it a shot?
My confidence is pretty high from just being able to jump in something and drive it, Perry said.