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I for one agree with Ed Cox. These incident's do need to be watched from start to finish. In my opinion, TC played games on the restart in turn 4 trying to make the #59 jump an the accordion started to develop there an ended in turn 2 with the #48 in the concrete a ton. Now I've seen the driver's view's an they are the one's that are out there so if they thought TC was innocent then so be it. The one thing that does crack me up is the times when incident's involving TC have been pretty cut an dry blatant an he recieves no penalty, and then you get a 50/50 deal like yesterday an they spank him so severely.
It is disappointing to have NASCAR make a call that ultimately will (could?) change a touring series championship. If TC had pulled something at Martinsville then it should have been dealt with there-not a week later at a different track in a different situation. OWR-with all due respect, how often do we see bumper tag/accordian effect on restarts in any mod. division? We have it at Stafford every week. Half of the restarts either the inside or outside lane stacks up-you just hope you're in the one that goes.
Don't get me wrong-I've been watching mods for 20+ yrs and working on them for 10+. I've seen TC (and other drivers) pull PLENTY of moves that they should have been penalized for but weren't. I don't condone dumping someone for the lead, pass, whatever. But, let the penalty fit the crime. Let the drivers race for the title.
Thank's for the great post Mazdai and welcome aboard! I agree that it does stink no matter what the case is that a call by the official's can decide a whole season long championship.
I try to keep my opinions for the most part to myself and stay as neutral as I can possibly be because I'm the admin on the board, but I think frankly the officials, the other drivers, the other teams, and most of the fan's are just tired of TC and his shenanigans, and like they say you play with fire eventually your going to get burned.