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Now with all that out of the way.....Let's make some laps!
i got only 1 thing to say to that............. DROP CHASE COMPLETLY!!!!!!
i have no problem at all when you race a 36 race season and base the title on those 36 races.....
the problems of the chase is that a person can throw away 1/3 of the year and still havee as much as a chance as matt kenseth and jimmy johnson, to me that is not right
the other problem you are going to see is that someone like khane or the someone in 8th or 9th in the future who threw away alot of races sneak up and take the title, thus making the title value virtually MEANINGLESS
sure 2 cars can be added to the chase, READ ABOVE
take the winners from the 26 races and put them in the chase, is this the 10 race version of the nextel cup race at lowes????? total bs wont ever happen
what nextel cup should do is that they should drop this whole chase bull..... run 36 races like they use to, and let the best man win
and this is not because i am a harvick fan.... but this is how hes winning the busch title hands down...... THE BEST TEAM IS WINNING IT.....
plus- could it be disaterous if jimmy johnson had richmonds finish at NHIS next week??? and if that would be the case no matter what team is, WOULD WE HEAR SQUAKING that 26 races just went down the tubes in a matter of 100 laps anf fall to 7th in points
heres some stats for the week,
bill eilliot creamed the compention in 1985 and had a good size lead comming out of the labor day weekend..... but blew off the whole last 1/3 of the season, finishing 102 behind the champ DW, eilliot won 11 races and DW 3 with DW having only 2-3 dnfs all year
in 1986 tim richmond did the same exact thing ryan newman did in 2003, he blew off 1 half of the year untill a win in june, if the chase had happened, tim richmond would have won the title, before this weekend he would have been 400 points behind dale sr
2 years later in 1987, dale sr won the title in dominate fashion, winning the same amount of races as eilliot did... but did the same thing as DW dnfs wise and won the title hands down by 400 some odd points.....
I like how Stewert dropped like a rock when he started taking prozac after wrecking the 07 & 99 at Indy. Or was it the shower peeking coming out of the closet? Anyway, that colapse was big.
I don't like the chase except for the contest possibilities, lol. I think you are just upset cause you also had a last third colapse in the pre-chase pick-um, lol.
Nascar needs anything it can come up with to compete with the NFL. As much as I think the chase is hokey, I wouldn't be watching at all if one team had a 200 point lead late in the year. It adds some interest so i may watch 30 laps of it to see who is running where inbetween changing the channel from Fox to CBS 100 times a day.
Instead of the chase they should call it the "NBC paid to much for this garbage, the finale" you know they had alot to do with the chase format.
I agree Warren. I think the TV folk's are definitely dictating a lot of what go's on. I also found myself flippin back an forth to the NFL to keep from fallin a sleep at times during the race!