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Now with all that out of the way.....Let's make some laps!
the action was intense from the begining, the 16 means 16 was a carniage filled race form the start...... 17 cars started with 10 finishing.......
the dares were next..... this feature had a tough time getting going from the start, 31 cars took the green, it took nearly 7 mins to complete 3 laps..... a few clean laps followed, but the carriage was too much as the last yellow came out with 9 laps in the books...... the 44 car forgot the name of THE GENTELMEN, but my god he was all over the place, finally smashed the front end in the backstrech wall, ENDING both his night and the rest of the feature, norm sears wins based on default, why would sms start normsears in the front while hes had 2 3 4 place finishes???????? please have a answer please
the sks lights were out next, and my god BRIT ANDERSON DID NOT WIN ????? his issue with stafford motor specs did not alter his proformance but it was a driver error on his part it looked like on the diamond screen that did end his night, chris matthews ended up winning the event
limited late models, once again provided the best racing of the night in my opinon, this has to be the 2nd yellow free race i have seen from this divsion in the last 3 weeks, great job folks!!!!!
late models features were next, this was the most intense FEATURE, with the hard charger move of the night in my opinon was PETERSON in the 17 car as he moved allllllll the way up to the 2nd postion before the fireworks were about to fly, and no this was not fireworks encore from last week but it was about to EXPLODE on the race track, POSOCO and FERN got together and posocos car got hammed by the 41.... shifting his rear end way over and ryan cought fern 2 yellow flag laps later and nailed fern, BUT HE COULD NOT DO THE JOB RIGHT because fern ended up winning the race anyways..... posoco was interviewed in the pits and was cut off at mid interview for DROPING THE "A BOMB"......
the main even the sks were out, under discustion with OWR at the end of the race we both detrimined that the race was a wash points wise, 4 of 4 points postions had trouble 1 way or another, hope bo gunning is ok after that hard hit on the driver side area...... will hardie ended up winning his 2nd race of the year, but my problem with this feature was why in the heck did woddy pitkat and 2 other mods get parked for going to slow, they should have bee parked ??? this is what caused the mircle of the season as jeff malave pounds the turn 1 wall flush and still keeps on going!!!!!! early Xmas present perhaps
well that is for me......... if this is a preview of the fall final then WATCH OUT !!!!!!!!!
Wow. Posocco was the big criminal on the police blogger. All of the other penalties were for plain jane rough riding penalities. But then you look at Ryan's and...whoa! Yeah, he was also a part of the rough riding crowd, but then you add "actions detrimental to motorsports" and kick him out of the place for next week. (Too bad I can't see what goes on without him around, as I'll be up in New Hampshire that night.)
I didn't hear him drop (a-bomb) afterwards. But the "use of inappropriate language" penalty somewhat clears things up a bit...
I didn't hear him drop (a-bomb) afterwards. But the "use of inappropriate language" penalty somewhat clears things up a bit...
the A BOMB happened when he was being interviewed after the crash/contact with fearn/parking the car...... after the A BOMB was said, the mic was quickly turned off.... SMS golden boy aint to golden now hey???
I didn't hear him drop (a-bomb) afterwards. But the "use of inappropriate language" penalty somewhat clears things up a bit...
the A BOMB happened when he was being interviewed after the crash/contact with fearn/parking the car...... after the A BOMB was said, the mic was quickly turned off.... SMS golden boy aint to golden now hey???
Just one of the many reasons why I dislike Posocco. (Or shall I use some terminology from a few posts up -- Posucko?)
Stafford has turned to the Sultan of Stafford, Woody. Posucko is no longer the golden child. He was and still is a spoiled arrogant person. Just like that idiot Woody. They all seem to think that they are better than everyone else because they come from a bunch of money. It's people like them that are ruining the reputation of Stafford. People work hard to reace, and theses and a few others with money ruin it.
if the sks had not had a low turn out, you would not have seen chris jones at the track last friday, SMS fears low car count, the LM had turned into a premire divsion car count wise so with posoco gone, there is still 34 cars going for 26 spots...... 16 cars in the 16 race as well
Anon #1 your post was edited for this reason. Opinion's of driver's and incident's they are involved in are fine, slander of motor builders and chassis builders is not.