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MILK BOWL TIRE DRAW TO MAINE’S STEVE RENY FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE ACT-090306-1 BARRE, VT – American-Canadian Tour (ACT) competitor Steve Reny of Boothbay, ME was gifted Sunday (Sept 3), with four Goodyear Eagle racing tires for use in the season-ending New England Dodge Dealers Milk Bowl (Sept 30/Oct 1) at Barre, Vermont’s Thunder Road Int’l Speedbowl. The third of three ACTion Super Series Goodyear Eagle tire drawings was held during the Bond Auto Labor Day Classic 200’s Late Model driver meeting. “Happy anniversary Steve and Amy,” ACT Tour director Tom Curley said as he pulled a chip by blind draw with Reny’s name and car number on it. As it turns out, Reny and wife Amy will celebrate their second wedding anniversary at the high-banked, quarter-mile speedplant on Milk Bowl weekend. “While I’d have preferred something else that was round, I guess four tires will have to do,” Amy stated with a grin. “Actually, not having to purchase those tires certainly helps the budget,” she added. To be eligible for the three Goodyear tire drawings, drivers had to enter all of the $10,000 to win ACTion Super Series races by a specific deadline. More than 40 competitors from all six New England states as well as New York, Quebec and Ontario took advantage of the opportunity. Marc Curtis Jr, a 22 year-old racer from Worcester, MA won four tires for both the ACTion Super Series opener, July 9 at Quebec’s Sanair Super Speedway and last weekend’s 28th annual Bond Auto Labor Day Classic 200. Ironically, Amy Reny drew the chip which awarded Curtis his Sanair tires during a June driver meeting at New Hampshire’s White Mountain Motorsports Park. Fellow young gun, 17 year-old Joey Polewarczyk of Hudson, NH did the honors at the ACT Tour stop in Seekonk, MA on August 5. Thunder Road’s 43rd annual New England Dodge Dealers Milk Bowl will, as have each of the previous ACTion Super Series events, pay $10,000 to the winner. Additionally, drivers leading each of the Milk Bowl’s 150 laps will earn bonus money ranging from $50 to $500 per lap. The New England Dodge Dealers Milk Bowl kicks off on Saturday, September 30, with Booth Brothers/H.P. Hood Qualifying Day, which includes a $1,000 bonus for the driver who sets fast time of the day and earns the Milk Bowl pole starting position. The balance of the competitors will attempt to qualify through one of Saturday’s three 50-lap qualifiers. For those still looking for a starting spot, Sunday’s “B” Feature will be their last chance at making the 30-car starting field. Action begins at 1:00 pm both days. For more information contact the ACT office at 802-244-6963 or visit www.acttour.com. -30- Contact: Marjorie Mulligan Fay 802-244-6963 E-mail: marjorieatact@aol.comORMarjorie@acttour.com 802-238-1200/cell