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Now with all that out of the way.....Let's make some laps!
Last Friday during the SK Light feature the whole field got the white flag and one of the guys in back spun coming off of turn 2. He was out of the racing groove sitting in the grass. As the leaders were entering turn 3 getting ready to take the checkered flag, Stafford "race control" threw the yellow flag. Two green-white-checkers later almost half the field was wrecked and they wound up red-checkering it.
This past Friday in the Limited Late Model feature 8 to 10 cars were wadded up going into turn 1 on the first lap. Debris was on the high side of turn 1 and a bunch of guys were crawling down the backstretch trying to get to pit road. No yellow.
That's a good point for sure Sick. I'm sure you remember about half a dozen or so years back there was a group of loyal weekly fans that made up t-shirts that had, "no green white checker" with the circle and slash on them. Was definitely pretty funny.
Last Friday during the SK Light feature the whole field got the white flag and one of the guys in back spun coming off of turn 2. He was out of the racing groove sitting in the grass. As the leaders were entering turn 3 getting ready to take the checkered flag, Stafford "race control" threw the yellow flag. Two green-white-checkers later almost half the field was wrecked and they wound up red-checkering it.
This past Friday in the Limited Late Model feature 8 to 10 cars were wadded up going into turn 1 on the first lap. Debris was on the high side of turn 1 and a bunch of guys were crawling down the backstretch trying to get to pit road. No yellow.
Gotta love it.
i saw the same thing, as i said in the SMS section, i was sitting towards turn on, sure everyone drove away from the big one in turn 1 during the LLM feature, 3 cars were parked because of it, and there was a peice of debris in turn 1 as you said and the yellow was not out untill lap 11 or 12........