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Now with all that out of the way.....Let's make some laps!
Apparently Chris Jones was involved in a wreck that ended his night, and showed his displeasure for it towards the #16 of Rowan Pennink and then also did a "helmet toss" into his own pit stall.......
Side note: Bob Potter is driving the Parker Racing #48 tonight.
A little bit more on the Jones "meltdown" apparently he told the #16 Rowan Pennink, the #16 crew and the pit road official's that they were all "#1" before executing the helmet toss into his own pit stall. I'm sure SMS will have a "rap sheet" of penalties on this incident mid week.
A little bit more on the Jones "meltdown" apparently he told the #15 Jeff Johnson, the #15 crew and the pit road official's that they were all "#1" before executing the helmet toss into his own pit stall. I'm sure SMS will have a "rap sheet" of penalties on this incident mid week.
Uh...I say he gets at least a week to think of a better way to tell people that they're "#1". Maybe the rest of the season. I don't know.
And in points news...this person's one happy camper! :D
nah... he will be parked for the rest of the year......
giving the bird to a driver 3 times and giving a offical the bird is a outright ejection for the rest of the year IMO..... not only that, him tossing his helmet in his pitstall could have hurted someone... so i could see him not being there for a long time...... WSB or TIS bound now ?????
nah... he will be parked for the rest of the year......
giving the bird to a driver 3 times and giving a offical the bird is a outright ejection for the rest of the year IMO..... not only that, him tossing his helmet in his pitstall could have hurted someone... so i could see him not being there for a long time...... WSB or TIS bound now ?????
When Chris first started racing at Waterford, he was good for winging his helmet inside his hauler at least once a month.
When Chris first started racing at Waterford, he was good for winging his helmet inside his hauler at least once a month.
ouch........ someone needs anger management it appears... the view from the stands last night, i saw chris head towards his pit, apparently the crowd was expecting the new sport of helmet toss because you could see the fingers point, i was sitting not directly infront of jones'es pit but alittle more to the left of it, needless to say the crowd went nuts and that is when you seen the fingerpointing start.....
2nd time in 3 weeks you seen sparks fly in a big way i guess hey?????
Probation for giving the finger to at least five people? I would love to spit my words out, but I'd be needing astrisks in replace of actual words. That's how insane the rap sheet is this week. *sighs* If I were Mr. Racing Director, he'd park it.