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Now with all that out of the way.....Let's make some laps!
Lexington, Michigan (08/31/2006): The ASA Late Model Series is mourning the loss of a devoted official and a dear friend of the entire short track racing community.
Bob Milner, the Official Photographer of the ASALMS, passed away this morning, Thursday August 31, 2006, due to a massive heart attack. The ASALMS crews, drivers, fans, and officials send their condolences to the entire Milner family in this time of loss.
Milner, who resided in Angola, Indiana, was a dedicated ASALMS Official as well as a dear and devoted friend, to not only the ASALMS family, but to the entire racing community. He was 62 years old.
The last three seasons of his 40 plus years of award winning photography, was spent with the ASALMS and during this season, primarily with the ASALMS Challenge and Northern Divisions, Milner also filled in with the ASALMS Southern Division when his schedule allowed.
Long regarded as one of the best in the entire country in the Motorsports Photography field, Milner is survived by his wife of 13 years, Claudette, as well his four children; Kevin Milner, Lisa Foreman, Brian Kresse, Angela Barnthouse, as well as 11 grandchildren!
The entire Labor Day Holiday Doubleheader weekend of ASALMS racing, beginning on Friday September 1, 2006 at the Hawkeye Downs (IA) Speedway and concluding on Sunday September 3, 2006 event at the Elko (MN) Speedway will be dedicated to the memory of Mr. Milner.
In addition, throughout the weekend at both events, the ASALMS staff will be going through the pit areas of both facilities to collect donations for the Milner family.
Funeral arrangements are being finalized as services will be held in Orland, Indiana after the Labor Day holiday weekend. More details will be announced very soon.
For any information regarding his Auto Racing Photography business; RACEPIX; Please call; 1 (260) 668-7957 or 1 (260) 316-0597.
God Speed Bob Milner....You will be missed.
-- Edited by WhelenModifiedTour at 19:18, 2006-08-31