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August 26th, Necedah, WI. Veteran NASCAR Busch Series driver Tim Sauter is back at his Necedah, WI home after spending Friday evening at the Bristol Regional Medical Center where he was held overnight for observation.
Sauter was involved in a hard crash on lap 209 of the Food City 250 at the Bristol Motor Speedway in Bristol, TN. Sauter’s car was hit by both Shane Huffman and Jamie McMurray before impacting the inside retaining wall where the car came to rest. Sauter had spun his Lester Buildings Chevy trying to avoid the car of Burney Lamar who had spun in front of him.
The impact dazed Sauter for several moments, but he was able to walk under his own power to a nearby stretcher wearing a precautionary neck brace. After a check-up in the infield care center, Tim was transported to the Hospital for further tests and overnight evaluation. All the test results were negative and Sauter was released Saturday morning.
“After I was released, the Busch Series officials took me back to the track to see the car. All of the safety equipment did its job,” Sauter said. “I’m bruised and sore, but I’m just fine.” “I would like to give a special thanks to Denise Meeks of the NASCAR Medical team who kept me abreast of Tim’s condition from the time of the accident until he was released on Saturday,” said Tim’s wife Chris, who was at their son’s football game at the time of the accident.
Sauter was credited with 34th place in the event won by fellow Wisconsin driver Matt Kenseth.