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BARRE, VT – Management at Barre, Vermont’s Thunder Road Int’l Speedbowl has just released the name of the Grand Marshall for the track’s $10,000 win Bond Auto Labor Day Classic 200, Sunday, September 3. Marherita Pierina Domenica Scanzaroli Comolli, known locally as “Grammy Comolli,” will preside over the 28th annual event at the high-banked, quarter-mile race track.
Comolli was born in Cassio, Italy and immigrated with her parents in 1909 to the Granite City, Barre, VT. She celebrated her 100th birthday on August 22.
Her home in Barre was a second home to many of the students at nearby Norwich University. In the 1960s “Grammy” cooked meals, shared much laughter, and provided welcomed relief from the school grind to legions of cadets.
“We are very excited to have Rita Camolli as grand Marshall of the Bond Auto Parts Labor Day Classic. She is an outstanding person. It is an honor to have her part of our Bond family,” Mark Mast, marketing vice president at Bond Auto remarked.
“Grammy Comolli is one of those special people you meet in your life whose affect lasts forever. I guess it was and continues to be her positive attitude, support and love of her family, community and those that have been fortunate enough to have met her that sets her apart from most,” commented Thunder Road president Tom Curley. He continued, “Grammy Comolli had a lasting impression on me as a young Norwich cadet in 1961, and when I recently saw her, celebrating her 100th birthday, remarkably, she hadn't changed all that much. I am proud that Thunder Road can have Barre, Vermont's favorite citizen as our honorary Grand Marshall for the Bond Auto Labor Day Classic 200".
The 28th Bond Auto Labor Day Classic 200 is the second of three $10,000 to win ACTion Super Series races for the American-Canadian Tour’s (ACT) Late Model stock cars. Over 50 drivers from all six New England states and New York have entered the Sunday, September 3 race. Discount advanced sale tickets are available through the ACT office in Waterbury, VT as well as all 35 Bond Auto stores in VT, NH and MA. Adult tickets are $20 in advance but will cost $25 at the track on race weekend.