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Wimmer/Kvapil not signed for 2007: #32-Travis Kvapil and #4-Scott Wimmer - two experienced drivers who have had to qualify on speed all season and have done just that most of time - have talked to other Nextel Cup teams then the ones they currently drive for, but whether they will end up eelsewhere in 2007 remains to be seen. Kvapil said he has agreed with PPI Motorsports owner Cal Wells that he would try to have a decision by the end of August. There are three main rides open - Michael Waltrip Racing [#00], Team Red Bull [unknown #] and Robert Yates Racing [#88]. "It's not really that hard to figure out [who I'm talking to]," Kvapil said. "There are only a couple of seats left to shake out. I've had conversations but that really doesn't mean anything [is certain]. I just want to make sure whatever I do is best for me and my future. Last year and this year, I haven't really had the performance, I'm afraid. Another year or two of that, my days might be limited in this garage. Basically where it's at, I told him I wanted a month to see how everything shakes out," Kvapil said. "I had been contacted by a few other teams and there were conversations. I didn't feel I was comfortable to make a commitment and then a couple of weeks down the road regret that decision." Wimmer, who made his Nextel Cup debut in 2000, has qualified for 18 of the 21 races this year. He said the Morgan-McClure Motorsports team does not have a sponsor for next season. Wimmer said he could end up in the Busch Series next year. Sponsorship could determine the drivers.(SceneDaily.com)(8-20-2003)