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Now with all that out of the way.....Let's make some laps!
scotts accu-weather forecast says that theres a blob of rain that is on its way to WSB, i would think that the busch east will run 1st to try to get it into halfway... but this dont look good at all
if anything WBS has apoorx 1 hour window to start this race......... then who knows from that point forward
1. #40 Matt Kobyluck 2. #99 Bryon Chew 3. #45 Brian Hoar 4. #61 Mike Olsen 5. #96 Mike Johnson 6. #44 Sean Caisse 7. #16 Kip Stockwell 8. #01 Charles Lewandoski 9. #12 Ruben Pardo 10. #84 Dion Ciccarelli 11. #3 Joey McCarthy 12. #33 Tracy Gordon 13. #15 John Salemi 14. #24 Patrick Dupree 15. #83 Ray Ciccarelli 16. #10 Pierre Bourque 17. #5 John Freeman 18. #75 Tim Cowen 19. #14 Joe Masessa 20. #26 Scott Bouley 21. #30 Jeff Anton 22. #97 Brent Cross 23. #67 Jamie Aube 24. #8 Rich Gould 25. #41 Mark Durgin 26. #54 Roger Carter 27. #25 Jeremy Clark
It was a good night of racing at the old Bowl. The SK feature was typical of what they have been all year.....starting position is everything. It was cool to see JP get the win after being victimized and losing the lead by a back marker dragging infield dirt all over the track, then regaining it by Pasteryak having tranny woes on a late restart.
The Mini's were clean an green with the veteran Miller taking the win over Kyle James.
BES race was actually quite entertaining at least I thought anyway. Man you almost didn't want to line up on the outside of Kobyluck as he pushed the #44,45,61 and 99 up in the toolies when ever they made a bid on the outside, but hey he and his team are celebrating a win right now and I'm typing this so go figure.
With the rain starting to develop the Late Models ran about 10 laps of their feature then there was an incident in turn 3, looked like the #5 of Colvin and #6 of Goss had slight contact causing the #47 of Jordan to finish them off all 3 drove away but the same can't be said for the #1 of Garrity ouch... Then during the lengthy clean up the rain's moved in again they waited it out but to no avail.
Side note: It was cool to see 2004 SK Mod champ Ed Reed Jr back in a drivers suit, and out on the track as he practiced #27 of Tyler Chadwick in the 2nd practice. And for being pretty much out of a car since the end of 04 he turned some pretty impressive lap times. Once again as I stated in my Thompson recap about Corey Hutchings, It's beyond me why a car owner or sponsor does not put Eddie in a seat, he can wheel a car and more importantly 9 times out of 10 he brings it home with the wheels still on it.