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Voices From The Heartland Jeff Meyer · Thursday August 10, 2006
(BSNews, 8/9/06 – Daytona, FL) NASCAR CEO Brian France announced today that previously proposed changes to “The Chase,” the way in which the Cup series champion is determined, have been finalized.
In its current form, the Top 10 drivers in points and any drivers within 400 points of the leader after the first 26 races of the season are eligible to compete for the championship over the remaining ten races. Beginning with the 27th race, those 10(+) drivers have their points reset to within 5 points from each other, effectively making the 10th place man 45 points behind the leader.
“We said all along when we instituted the current format that we may tweak it a bit down the road,” said France at a news conference held on the lawn of his double-wide mansion. “I am here today to announce that those plans are now finalized, and will be implemented at the start of the 2007 season.”
A handout to the media at the beginning of the event explained the changes:
After 26 regular season races, the Top 42 teams in the points standings will be deemed eligible to compete for the Championship. In addition to those Top 42, any teams that are within 5000 points of the current leader after 26 races are also eligible.
At the start of the 27th race, all eligible teams will have their points reset to zero, with the exception of teams whose rosters, after being surveyed, are found to vote primarily Democratic. Those teams will be given 5 extra points for every two Democrats currently on their roster.
“This new format will best meet our sponsors and our fans needs and will insure the continued growth of the profits that drive NASCAR,” said France. “The format will make sure that any company that can afford to sponsor one of my, excuse me, OUR teams will be given the maximum exposure throughout the year, right to the final show at Homestead.”
“It will also give the fans the opportunity to see more of the products that officially sponsor the sanctioning body of their favorite sport, through more trendy advertisement and infomercials that will be incorporated into the entertainment broadcasts. I…WE here at NASCAR truly believe that this will best suit both our advertisers and our fans. The sponsors will have their car in the hunt at the end, and the fans will be able to see so many more products that those sponsors have to offer.”
Analysts along New York City’s Madison Avenue, the Wall Street of advertising, have said that it now costs more for a company to attempt to contact NASCAR to even inquire about a possible sponsorship than it does to buy a whole minute of advertisement time during the NFL’s Super Bowl.
When asked about those reports, France said, “Our goal all along has been to beat the NFL in network ratings and popularity. If that isn’t proof we’ve done it, I don’t know what is!”
In an unrelated story, it is reported that Brian France recently closed a secret deal to buy the Nielsen Ratings outright. Word in the industry says that a grand show the likes of which viewers have never seen will accompany the public announcement of the deal. Industry experts are predicting record ratings.
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