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Top Ten Reasons Why Jeremey Mayfield Is Without A Ride.
Tom Bowles and Beth Lunkenheimer · Wednesday August 9, 2006
10. Got tired of Erin Crocker sneaking into his race car on Sunday mornings…as if no one would notice.
9. Too many of Kasey’s cars got destroyed by the Allstate commercials, so there’s none left for him.
8. The boxers left a not-so-nice gift on Ray Evernham’s office chair.
7. Shana threatened to divorce him if he didn’t take her to the outlets on Sunday…70% off!
6. Forced to enter therapy after traumatic incident involving Tony Stewart’s niece and a pinata.
5. Michael Waltrip scheduled meeting to make last ditch effort to sign him, which means by the time he’s done spitting out the sponsor list the whole weekend will be over.
4. Selected as a contestant for the game show, “Where In the World Is Ray Evernham?”
3. Thought throwing cans at other drivers was so much fun, figured he’d go try it himself!
2. Figured since he’s gonna get replaced by a “young gun” in the end, anyway, so why not just retire now?
1. Hard to compete when your replacement goes by the name “Million Dollar Bill.”
-- Edited by WhelenModifiedTour at 13:42, 2006-08-09