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Carl Steven Berghman ran his first race at the Pan American Speedway in Texas in 1957 under the name Bugsy Stevens as he was in the military and racing unauthorized. The name stuck and he began a racing career in New England in the 1960's winning three National Modified championship's in a row 1967 thru 1969 in Lenny Boehler's famed Old Blue #3
In the 1970's Da Bugman was very sucessful at the Stafford Motor Speedway winning 72 feature event's and 4 track championship's. He also won 3 track championship's at the Seekonk Speedway, 2 at the Norwood Arena, and 1 each at Thompson, Catamount, and Albany Saratoga. Some of Bugsy's major event win's included the 1974 Spring Sizzler at Stafford, two 500 lap event's at the Thompson Speedway, and several victories at both the Trenton and Martinsville Speedway's
Bugs also made headlines off the track as the "infamous ride swap" which saw him leave the Boehler #3 an go to the Kosella #15, and the late Fred Desaro go from the #15 to the #3.
Also in the early 70's Bugsy tried his hand at Grand National (Now Nextel Cup) racing running in 3 event's, placing a best of 6th at Charlotte earning him rookie of the race honor's.
Bugs Stevens retired in 1987 running his last event in a Modified at the Stafford Motor Speedway. He his a member of the Near Hall of Fame class of 1998, and can be seen at race track's in the New England area supporting his son David Berghmans racing effort's
Hi Bugsy, Just looking thru some of your raceing photos on line. Brings back lots of memories for me, specially at stafford speedway. Great Photos!!! Hope everything is well with yourself , Doris and the rest of your family. Tell them that i said hello and take care! Hope to hear from you sometime.
Thanks for years of memories and your friendship!! Sincerely Michael Porter [The Mushroom] michael.Porter53@yahoo.com