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Chris Staples Solidifies Lead in TAT Link-Belt PASS Modifieds
(Naples, ME -- August 5, 2006) Chris Staples of Brunswick, ME and the Dallas Oil #5 team came into the PASS TAT Link-Belt Modified race at Summerfest 2006 at Riverside Speedway, Groveton, NH with a slim six point lead in 2006 points over Dana Grover and the #99E. J. Prescott team from Waterford. ME.
Staples started seventh, one spot behind Grover in the 30-lap feature. Chris got a great start and was up to fourth when Grover ran into trouble on the backstretch on lap 15 and slid into an infield light pole in turn three with heavy damage that finished the #99 for the night. Richie Morse also went to the pits on lap 15 and was six laps down when he returned.
Jason Taylor from Searsmont, ME was third in the point’s chase only eight points behind Grover as the evening started. Jason and the #8 seized the opportunity when Grover had his troubles and followed Staples to the front.
At the finish, it was Staples and Taylor first across the line, with rookie Greg Ellis of Hermon, ME in the #29 third for his first top five of the season. Dana Reed of Shapleigh, ME also had a good night as he brought the #60 to fourth. Troy Morse of Bridgton, ME in the #6 was fifth, followed by Steve Bennett, Jr of Buckfield, ME in the #12, Richie Morse of Waterville, ME in the #34, and Grover.