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Now with all that out of the way.....Let's make some laps!
I think i owe you an "engraved apology" because even though you finished second it was a well earnrd second and reports even said you guys were flying, But you have to understand my position, The stats did not lie, I was reporting on facts and not black balling you on the board or anything like that, Can by gones be by gones?
It had nothing to do with stats. It was our luck and if anyone cannot see that then i do not know what to say. If anyone took the time and actually was around to see what went on they would know the scoop. Perfect example, north south shoot out. 60 plus cars from all over. Grab the pole with Bobby Santos driving. Going for the green, we get drilled by the car behind us and break the transmission. 12 our trip to not even make it to the green flag. Thats luck. I can write a book on our luck if you would like.
As for the second who knows whats going on there. There was an oversight on something and I do not think its going to stick. Oh well, thats a whole nother story.
Just a little head's up to let everyone know why this thread will remain closed. What started out as an apology from Scott, now unfortunatley will be closed because an anon had to make a childish statement, and SK81 couldnt be the bigger man an had to come back an defend himself an use a word we felt was inappropriate.
This board is monitored 24/7 by myself an two other moderators and the server, so far in the 2 years this board has been around you all have behaved yourself's quite well. A private message here or there, an ask to edit a post here or there, but no major problem's an it is going to stay that way whether we need to go to password's (no anon's) or revoking membership's. The action's of two people are not going to ruin it for the everybody else.