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Now with all that out of the way.....Let's make some laps!
1. Jeff Pearl, 2. Chris Pasteryak, 3. Dennis Gada, 4. Rob Janovic, Jr., 5. Jeffrey Paul, 6. Tom Fox, 7. Wendell Dailey, 8. Diego Monahan, 9. Tyler Chadwick, 10. Cliff Fitzgerald III, 11. Rich Duranti, 12. John Brouwer Jr., 13. Dave Morgenstein, 14. Frank Mucciacciaro Jr., 15. Dave Rosenfield, 16. Shawn Monahan, 17. Terry O’Brien.
Limited Sportsman:
1. Ronnie Oldham Jr., 2. Greg Butler Jr., 3. Dwayne Dorr, 4. Joe Curioso III, 5. Al Stone III, 6. Bill Gertsch Jr., 7. John Puglisi, 8. Joshua Galvin, 9. Joey Coates, 10. Richard Staskowski, 11. Glenn Boss, 12. Clay Petschke, 13. Joe Bertholet, 14. Ed Clark, 15. Joe Nogiec, 16. Darrell Carlson; 17. Ed Giles.
Late Models:
1. Tim Jordan, 2. Dave Zemke, 3. Glenn Colvin, 4. Larry Goss, 5. Joe Perry, 6. Duane Noll, 7. Chris Douton, 8. Bruce Thomas Jr., 9. Jay Lozyniak, 10. Ernie Bertrand, 11. Don Acker Jr., 12. Scott Garrity, 13. Jonathan Avery, 14. Vin Esposito, 15. Mark St.Hilaire, 16. Ed Field, 17. Richard Duranti.
Mini-Stocks :
1. Ken Cassidy Jr, 2. Danny Field, 3. Joe Godbout III, 4. Phil Evans, 5. Bill Leonard, 6. Chris Williams, 7. Chuck Rogers, 8. Richard Brooks, 9.Mark Panaroni, 10. Ben Bargnesi, 11. Ron Fortune, 12. Ken Lyke III, 13. David Sylvia, 14. Randolph Churchill Jr., 15. Mike Manifold, 16. Ian Brew, 17. Soup Civardi, 18. Nate Appell, 19. Kyle James, 20. John Constantini, 21.Bob Norman, 22. Christina Cunliffe, 23. Scott Bellisle, 24. Jeff Miller.
Whitney Fastest In Legends Qualifying 1. George Whitney, 16.938; 2. Chris Bakaj, 17.013; 3. Jason Palmer, 17.029; 4. Mark Bakaj, 17.088; 5. Max Zachem, 17.158; 6. Glen Billings, 17.160; 7. Richard Dougherty, 17.178; 8. Aaron Drake, 17.233; 9. Jacob Dore, 17.393; 10. Mike Beebe Jr., 17.424; 11. Len Beebe, 17.427; 12. Brian Quimette, 17.439; 13. Justin Rau, 17.448; 14. Dennis Pantani, 17.483; 15. Bob Weymouth, 17.550; 16. David Smith, 17.576; 17. Chris Pritt, 17.586; 18. Jimmy Ahern, 17.642; 19. Curt D’Addario Jr., 17.649; 20. Artie Moran Jr., 17.649; 21. Ben Erlandson, 17.863; 22. Darrell Vance, 17.942; 23. Carl Bohn, 18.007; 24. Ricky White, 18.235; 25. Michael Gervais Jr. (NT)
Legends special 50-lap feature :
1. Mark Bakaj, 2. Jason Palmer, 3.Paul Pion, 4. Max Zachem, 5. George Whitney, 6. Aaron Drake, 7.Artie Moran Jr., 8. Chris Pritt, 9. Jim Ahern, 10.Bob Weymouth, 11. Carl Bohn, 12. Darrell Vance, 13. Ricky White, 14, Dennis Pantani, 15. Ben Erlandson, 16. Glen Billings, 17. Brian Quimette, 18. Curt D’Addario Jr., 19. Chris Bakaj, 20. Michael Gervais Jr., 21. David Smith, 22. Jacob Dore, 23.Richard Doughty, 24. Mike Beebe Sr., 25. Justin Rau.
-- Edited by WhelenModifiedTour at 23:09, 2006-07-29