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MB2 Motorsports, which fields NASCAR Nextel Cup entries for drivers #01-Joe Nemechek and #14-Sterling Marlin, has announced a change of ownership. Real estate developer Bobby Ginn (pronounced GHIN) has purchased all of the shares owned by MB2 majority owner and founding partner Nelson Bowers. The business transaction takes effect immediately. Jay Frye, MB2's general manager and chief executive officer since the formation of the racing organization in 1996, will continue in the same capacity and retain his ownership in the company. Ginn's majority interest and Frye's interest comprise 100% ownership of MB2 Motorsports. Ginn, 57, is president and founder of the Celebration, Fla.-based Ginn Resorts, a privately held resort development and management firm, specializing in exclusive leisure lifestyle and vacation destination communities in the United States. "We recognize the importance and relevance of NASCAR fans and sponsors to the overall success of our brand," said Ginn, a native of Hampton, S.C. "MB2 has outstanding partners in the U.S. Army, Waste Management, CENTRIX Financial, Wiley X Eyewear, Ginn Resorts and Mighty Auto Parts. Also announced today is that Ginn Resorts, which has been an MB2 primary sponsor at selected Cup events in 2006, has added 10 races to its primary-sponsorship package on Marlin's #14 Chevrolet. The sponsorship will be managed through Ginn Sports Entertainment. Regarding the sale of his shares in MB2, Bowers said, "I have thoroughly enjoyed all facets of being a NASCAR team owner for the past 10 years. It's been a memorable and fascinating ride and I wish Bobby, Jay and the entire MB2 organization nothing but success." Along with its Nextel Cup teams, MB2 has a driver development program in place with Kraig Kinser in the NASCAR Craftsman Truck Series and Jesus Hernandez in the Drive for Diversity program. The MB2 team shop is based in Mooresville, N.C.(MB2 Motorsport PR)(7-26-2006)