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Tony Stewart and his now famous 1984 Cadillac Brougham hearse will be the main subject of an upcoming Unique Whips mini marathon Aug. 2, starting at 8:00pm/et on Speed Channel. This Unique Whips mini marathon will focus on New York-based Unique Autosports' build and unveiling of the Indiana resident's unusual ride. The three one-hour shows begin with a reprise of the original delivery to Unique Autosports owner Will Castro, as he attended Stewart's dramatic victory during last year's Brickyard 400 at Indianapolis Motor Speedway. Two new episodes will then journey SPEED viewers through the tricking out and presentation of Stewart's well-publicized custom whip. "We had never done a build like this," Castro said. "We're always taking cars that are worth $100 thousand and up - making them unique. This was the first time we'd taken a $1.99 'hoopty' and turned it into a $100 thousand whip." Stewart was pleased with the results. "Will (Castro) and the crew did a great job with my hearse," Stewart said. "Both Will and I knew it was going to be quite a project, but I'm really pleased with how it turned out. As usual, Will assembled a great crew to work on the car and it's why I've always trusted Unique Autosports to complete builds like this. I hope the fans enjoy the makeover as much as I enjoy the car