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Well, I was glad that I had paddock area access for the SK Modified 100, because it was a night to remember. I had gotten to the track after the first round of practice sessions had ended (SK Modifieds had a minor delay finishing up due to Jones's first damage session), and as the cars came back from the track, I had seen the 81 come to a stop so that it could be weighed. As I watched the rest of the cars returning to their haulers, I had overheard some woman ask someone inparticular, "Is that TC in the 81?" I tried to get a good look at the driver, now removing his helmet and revealing himself to be the one and only TC.
Now, I don't mean to be completely stupid, but I never got full reasoning as to why the driver change came into play. Can anyone clarify this for me? Thanks.
Not sure on all the specific's Mandy, but word has it that Chuck Docherty is no longer the driver of the #81, and TC is the current driver of the #81.
That's what really tickled my fancy. When I heard that this was going to be for the rest of the season, my emotions were really screwed up. I didn't know whether to savor the moment or bury it for the rest of my life. (I understood the driver change concept a million times before qualifying took place because one announcer--who shall remain nameless--kept mentioning it with every chance he got. No offense, of course.)
The bottom line is folk's the only people that know the whole story are Chuck, the Dipisa's, and TC. And unless any of those three feel it's necessary to come here an post about it, the rest is all just speculation, so let's not turn this situation into a he said she said deal.
heres my guess, maybe chuck gave up the ride, when i was there on july 2nd, the 81 car was very lousy and my guess is that chuck had enuff....????? scott
I am here to set the record straight. As the owner of the 81, the driver change was due to the amount time the racing was taking. If you were involved with a team or owned a team you would know the amount of time that is involved.Chuck wants to spend time with his family, which by the way is most important to him. Chuck has a great wife and kids and just wanted to spend more time with them why should this be a problem. Or is it just not what you want to hear. Oh I see this scenerio just is not good enough for you so you wanna try to make up something more exciting.
And for what happened to the car Friday night before rumors get started in that area, it was a right front brake caliper froze up and ruined the hub and bearing.
scott121476 wrote: heres my guess, maybe chuck gave up the ride, when i was there on july 2nd, the 81 car was very lousy and my guess is that chuck had enuff....????? scott I am here to set the record straight. As the owner of the 81, the driver change was due to the amount time the racing was taking. If you were involved with a team or owned a team you would know the amount of time that is involved.Chuck wants to spend time with his family, which by the way is most important to him. Chuck has a great wife and kids and just wanted to spend more time with them why should this be a problem. Or is it just not what you want to hear. Oh I see this scenerio just is not good enough for you so you wanna try to make up something more exciting. And for what happened to the car Friday night before rumors get started in that area, it was a right front brake caliper froze up and ruined the hub and bearing.
So when exactly did the parting of ways occur?? A good friend of mine talked to Chuck Thursday night and none of this was brought up.
Skmod81 wrote: scott121476 wrote: heres my guess, maybe chuck gave up the ride, when i was there on july 2nd, the 81 car was very lousy and my guess is that chuck had enuff....????? scott I am here to set the record straight. As the owner of the 81, the driver change was due to the amount time the racing was taking. If you were involved with a team or owned a team you would know the amount of time that is involved.Chuck wants to spend time with his family, which by the way is most important to him. Chuck has a great wife and kids and just wanted to spend more time with them why should this be a problem. Or is it just not what you want to hear. Oh I see this scenerio just is not good enough for you so you wanna try to make up something more exciting. And for what happened to the car Friday night before rumors get started in that area, it was a right front brake caliper froze up and ruined the hub and bearing. So when exactly did the parting of ways occur?? A good friend of mine talked to Chuck Thursday night and none of this was brought up.
Ok, since you know everything please enlighten us on this. A friend of a friend of a friend. Give it a break and get a life.
Ok folk's, SK81 took the time to come on and post the detail's of this situation which he obviously is neither required, or had to do. So whether it is what you "heard", or what you wanted to "hear" let's just leave it at that and not continue to speculate or as I said before, "he said she said". Let's all play nice.