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Rusty practices Busch car...not un-retiring: Rusty Wallace was back in a stock car Thursday for the first time since last year, but he won't be running Saturday's Goody's 250 Busch series race at Martinsville Speedway. Or any other NASCAR race. Wallace attended Thursday's test session to help son Steve, who has never competed at this track. Rusty Wallace drove some laps, which he said were his first in a stock car since last year's Nextel Cup season finale at Homestead-Miami Speedway. Wallace also said that he's been contacted about returning to the Cup series next season. There will be at least seven new rides next season, creating questions on if there are enough talented and experienced drivers for all the available Cup rides. Bill Elliott, who last drove fulltime in 2003, could be headed to Team Red Bull. Ward Burton, who last raced full time in 2004, also is looking for a ride. So, why not Wallace? "There's a lot of offers for big money to come back," Wallace said. "I made my decision, and I'm sticking to it. My six-year contract with ABC Sports forbids me from driving."(Roanoke Times)(7-21-2006)