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Tragic News: Former Robert Yates Racing employee, Jay Thompson and his wife Carrie were killed Wednesday night near Davidson, NC. Robert Alexander Morrison, 19, of Cabarrus County, was in critical condition in the burn unit at UNC Hospitals in Chapel Hill after the Charlotte area's deadliest crash in recent months. Highway Patrol investigators said the accident occurred on Wednesday just before midnight, about two miles east of Davidson. While driving north on Shiloh Church Road just north of Kingsview Lane, Morrison tried to pass a motorcycle in a no-passing zone with a double yellow line, according to the investigators. Morrison's white Ford truck crashed head-on into a southbound red Chevrolet Blazer, investigators said. The motorcycle then plowed into the truck, which caught fire. "All I saw was a light and that was it," said Leonard Troutman, a passenger in the Blazer's front seat. The crash killed Shirley Ann Jones, 38, of Charlotte, who was driving her Blazer toward Charlotte. Motorcycle riders Jay Edward Thompson, 38, and his wife, Carrie Ann Thompson, 36, of Mooresville, also died. Jones' daughter, Christine Massey, who was in the Blazer's back seat, was released from NorthEast Medical Center in Concord Thursday. Troutman, a family friend, was in good condition. Carrie Thompson had two children, Amber, 17, and Austin, 14, said her ex-husband, George Ard of Lexington, NC. Ard said Jay Thompson was a trained welder and fabricator who used to work for Dale Jarrett's NASCAR racing team. Morrison was airlifted to UNC Hospitals and was in critical condition Thursday evening. Investigators were still trying to determine how fast the vehicles were traveling and whether alcohol was involved, a Highway Patrol spokesman said. N.C. Department of Transportation traffic engineer David Naylor said a crew will investigate the accident scene. On Thursday, a DOT maintenance crew was clearing vegetation from the shoulder where the crash occurred.(Charlotte Observer)(7-21-2006)