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#44 UPS Toyota in 2007? The UPS-sponsored Toyota Camry that Dale Jarrett will drive in 2007 for Michael Waltrip Racing might be the #44. NASCAR vice president Jim Hunter confirmed Sunday that Waltrip has expressed interest in acquiring the number. Terry Labonte has run the #44 on a limited basis this season for Hendrick Motorsports. But Petty Enterprises, the last team to the run the number on a full-time basis, still has a say in where it goes. "I know Michael is wanting it," said Robbie Loomis, Petty Enterprises' executive vice president of race operations. "It will really be up to Kyle and Richard [Petty]. If it's something that they feel warranted that we might need for the future, then I'm sure we'll keep it. Otherwise, they see the big picture of the sport. And if it's good for Michael and good for the other people involved, then we'll probably end up turning it over." Waltrip also has inquired about the #33. But car owner Richard Childress indicated he is unwilling to part with the number he campaigned in three races last season with Kerry Earnhardt behind the wheel.(Atlanta Journal-Constitution)...and the #33 could be used if Childress expands to a 4-car team as had been rumored.(7-17-2006)
Will it be lettered in Japanese symbols? Kinda like the General Lee only a big red dot on a white roof instead of the southern cross.
Both Mikey & DJ are rather tall men, so maybe the Japanese think they are BIG men in NASCAR but if this year is any sign of things to come they may be in for the ginsue knife next fall. And Mayfield may fit right in. I just find it hard to believe why build your factory team around these guys?
The only logic that I can up with for Toyota's choices (save for Mayfield) are that MW and Jarrett come with a loyal fan base, both are sponsor's dream's, and they both for the most part "tow the Nascar line". Unfortunatley that's most of what racing is all about these days, souvenier sale's, getting those sponsor plug's in, and not "alienating yourself from the mother ship" (Nascar). I'm guessing Toyota know's it isn't going to be easy to be competitive on the race track right away, and figures not having to worry about marketing or grooming a new driver, or trying to tame a bad boy veteran is a few less problem's to worry about.
I have to agree with you on this one Open. Mikey's on-track records may not be the most promising, but his off-track records speak for themselves. How many commercials is he the star of ? He lands enough sponsors with a start-up team that he will have three cars.
Toyota has a huge task in front of them, if nothing else they have a great spokesperson with Mikey. And can you see the new commercial possibilities with Mikey and DJ.