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Kyle Busch spun Friday afternoon and damaged the nose of his No. 5 Monte Carlo during practice at the New Hampshire International Speedway. After repairs to his speedy machine, Busch paced the 43-car field and claimed the pole award Saturday for the running of the New England 200.
The pole was the second of the year, Busch’s eighth overall. He claimed the pole in 29.709 seconds, a top speed at 128.204 miles per hour.
“This pole wasn’t for me, it’s for all of the guys. It’s been a struggle this year but we’ve definitely been making some gains,” he said of his Hendrick Motorsports team.
Clint Bowyer held the top spot on the scoring pylon for a portion of the session but had to settle for second best in the No. 2 Chevrolet. His fast lap was laid down with a top speed at 127.885 mph.
Denny Hamlin is hoping he can turn things around in the No. 20 Chevy this weekend. After strong runs throughout the challenging standalone weekends, he has fallen off in recent weeks since the two major series have again merged to companion events. He started things off solidly on Saturday with a third place qualifying run.
Points leader Kevin Harvick, who continues to embarrass his challengers with over a 300-point lead, will roll off of the grid from the fourth spot.
Jeff Burton was hoping to outrun his Richard Childress Nextel Cup teammates Harvick and Bowyer but fell short after his late attempt. Filling in for the sidelined Burney Lamar this week, Burton used his expertise behind the wheel of the No. 77 and lined up in fifth.