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I had heard some scuttlebut before the season started that obviously never panned out about a possible driver change in the #4 car, and the jist of the rumor revolved around Rick Fuller bringing Polar with him to the #4.
Civali is obviously talented, and seem's to be behaving himself so far this season and would be a young hard charger for the #4 team to put in their seat, but Jerry Marquis is a top notch driver in my book, and if there was a change made you would have to assume it's a chemistry issue.
And another thing that comes to mind is the #28 team taking a chance on Civali during a period when nobody wanted to touch him with a ten foot pole but racing is a business these day's and changes happen all the time.
I replied to this rumor elsewhere but will here as well.
I also agree that #4 Mystic Missle is a great oppurtunity for Civalli. But the chemistry is obvious between Civalli and King Racing Team. If James were to leave this team, would the same chemistry exist. Also where does Jeryy Marquis figure into all this ? Is he looking for a different ride ?
I happen to KNOW that the 28 car was not Civali's only option to drive on the tour.
Had a certian driver from RI not been able to commit to the full tour because of driving in another series Civali would have been in line to drive that car.
HOWEVER he chose the 28 car before the other driver commited to the Mod tour.
I think he is happy driving for Don King, and having most of his crew at the track working the pit stops.
Something that may not be possible with the 4 car.
But I think if I were Don King I would make sure he was happy.