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Now with all that out of the way.....Let's make some laps!
I want to start by praising (I can not believe I am typing that) NASCAR for ALL the changes being made to the NASCAR Busch East Series. The cost cutting messures and lowering of age requirements will make the division thrive in 2007 and beyond.
Now to get to the reall point (You did not actually think I would let NASCAR bask in the glory for long did you ?).
Now is the time for NASCAR to step-up and do what has been promissed for years, HELP THE MODIFIED TOURS.
I am not even going to complain about the lack of Television coverage, who is going to watch a bunch of drivers they never heard of anyways. The problems go way beyond TV.
One problem that absolutely must be addressed is the cost for a track to host an event. Somehow certain tracks recieved "bargain" deals. Why can't these bargains be the norm for all tracks ??? There is a saying "What is good for one, is good for all".
Secondly, NO driver should EVER go home from a track without compensation. How can we expect higher car counts when teams are towing for hours to buy tires,fuel, and pit passes then fail to qualify and go home without getting anything back. There MUST be some type of secondary purse structure set-up for these drivers. I am sure there is a company out there who would love to smear their logo all over for a chance to sponsor this. How many "Official" somethings of NASCAR are there ?
Finally, if NASCAR can find ways to make the cost of a Busch East car go from around $150,000 down to around $40,000 why can they not do something to lower the cost of a Whelen Modified Tour car ? Why not run the same Crate Engine on the Tours ?
The new minimum age should turn several young drivers towards the Whelen Modified Tours, now is the time to make it worth them coming.
Thanx for taking the time to read this. -WMT-