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(Naples, ME – June 28, 2006) On NEXTEL Fan Night on July 12th at Thompson International Speedway, E. Thompson, CT, NASCAR stars Jimmy Spencer and Kenny Wallace will be joining the PASS North Super Late Model Series stars in the 75 green-flag lap race.
Wallace will be piloting the Mulkern Racing, Community Pharmacies, American Racers, Sunoco Fuels sponsored Dodge, and Spencer will be in a car to be named shortly. Spencer may have a leg up on Wallace because he has hundreds of laps around the high-banked 5/8-mile in NASCAR Modifieds on his way to the 1986 NASCAR Modified Tour Championship, but any car prepared by Scott Mulkern car is no slouch. If you remember, it was Scott in the Community Pharmacies #84 that won the Octoberfest race at Thompson on October 2, 2004. So, we shouldn’t worry about Kenny to much.
In addition, NASCAR’s Speed Television host John Roberts will be on hand to call all the action. This is not a two car match race. Both Spencer and Wallace will qualify against the 50 or so Super Late Model/Pro Stock drivers from throughout the Northeast and Canada expected to attempt to qualify.
The PASS North Super Late Models will be joined by the Thompson Sunoco Modifieds, the Late Models, TIS Modifieds, Limited Sportsman, and Mini Stocks in a great night of racing.
Grandstands open at 2pm. Adults are $25, Juniors (age 6 – 14) $10, Kids five and under are FREE. Pit admission is $35.