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Ray Miller first began his driving career in 1965 at Plainville Stadium in the Modified division. In 1966 he moved over to the Riverside Park Speedway, and the then still dirt oval Stafford Motor Speedway. The following year Stafford switched to pavement and Ray continued to race their until his retirement.
Ray drove for car owners Bill Myers an Guy Sweatland in the 60's and 70's and then joined forces with Mike Greci to drive for the Rainbow Farms #01 Team winning the prestigous Thompson 300 event in 1981.
Ray then closed out his career driving the famed Billy Simons #9. One of the highlights of the partnership was winning the first ever Nascar Modified Tour event run at the Waterford Speedbowl in 1985. Ray Miller retired from racing at the end of 1986 season, with a career total 14 Stafford feature event victories, 10 Riverside Park wins, 2 Thompson truimph's, and 1 Nascar Modified Tour win at The Waterford Speedbowl. Some of the other major event wins in Ray's career were the 1978 World Series at Thompson, and in consecutive years the Ferrara 100 at Stafford.
Ray was inducted into the New England Antique Auto Racers Hall Of Fame in 2002 and still remains active in the sport, as he can be seen most times supporting his son Jay Miller's racing efforts.