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“Vermont Trucking Firm To Sponsor Modified Tour Rookie Campaign”
Officials of the True Value Modified Racing Series, the New England based traveling tour that features exciting open wheel 600 horse powered modified race cars have announced, a fast growing trucking firm has joined the fast growing racing series as the new sponsor for their 2006 Rookie of the Year campaign. The top rookie driver will be honored for his accomplishments at this years post season awards banquet.
In making the announcement, GMH Vice President, Jeff Eglintine said “being the rookie is something we have all experienced at one point in our lives and careers and we are proud to be able to give back to others just getting their start. We are fortunate to be in a position that allows us to support others and we proudly do so in the Modified Racing Series. GMH wishes the best of luck to all this season.”
GMH Transportation, with headquarters in Ascutney, Vermont, and offices in Boston, MA and Florida, is a fast growing Broker and Carrier Company founded in 1999. GMH offers point to point truckload service anywhere in the continental United States with an excellent availability of flatbeds and stepdecks to serve their large network of customers. GMH also prides itself in same day service and just in time deliveries.
The Class of 2006 has displayed solid talent since the season began in April with first year modified racer Bobby Grigas, driver of the Triple G Scaffolding # 09 car recently winning at Waterford, CT, becoming the first rookie to win a series race in the tours three year history. In addition to the Marshfield, Ma, driver, Mike Douglas Jr., Jon McKennedy, Karl Fredrickson, Josh Currier, Joe Doucette, and Mike Keeler are all registered as rookie competitors vying for the “2006 GMH Transportation Rookie of the Year” title. All drivers in the rookie status classification must have a GMH sticker affixed to their race cars for the balance of the season. The top rookie driver will be honored for his accomplishments at this years post season awards banquet.
McKennedy, Douglas, and Fredrickson will lead the Class of 2006 to Epping, NH Saturday night June 24, returning to their roots, the Star Speedway for the “Star 100”, the next stop on the TVMRS tour. Race time is 6 pm.