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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE ACT-061206-2 WATERBURY, VT - With Saturday's ACT Tour rainout at White Mountain Motorsports Park, the 40-plus drivers eligible win a set of Goodyear tires for use at Sanair Super Speedway's ACTion Super Series opener will have to wait a week to see who'll take home the nearly $500 prize. The Tour's White Mountain 100 has been rescheduled for Saturday, June 17. Post time will be 5:00 pm. "Obviously everyone is disappointed we rained out," commented Mark Lamberton, a veteran ACT Late Model competitor from Mooers Forks, NY. "The continuous wet weather has been really hard on everyone. Hopefully I'll have a little sunshine by winning those tires," he grinned. The 2001 Airborne Speedway Late Model Champion continued can't wait to get back to Sanair, "I've been there twice - once in a Late Model and once in a Sportsman. It's an exciting track to drive - fast and its shape is like no other. Fortunately, I've had a little success there. One of my first races in a Late Model was at Sanair and I was amazed to finish second to Joey Laquerre that day. With his experience up there, he'll certainly be considered one of the contenders," he predicted. Late Model drivers who entered all three $10,000 to win ACTion Super Series races by a specific deadline are eligible for the Goodyear Tire draw. Additional draws will be held for the Bond Auto Labor Day Classic 200 (Sept 2-3) and the New England Dodge Dealers Milk Bowl (Sept 30-Oct 1), both at Barre, Vermont's Thunder Road Int'l Speedbowl. Cris Michaud, a three-time Late Model Champion at Thunder Road, is one of the drivers who entered all three ACTion Super Series races. "Even though we'll be limited to the number of tires we buy for any of the three big races, not having to spend about $500 for four of them is pretty attractive," he commented. Michaud, who has four ACT Late Model wins to his credit, has excelled at the Tour's short track stops over the years. In addition to a pair of wins at Thunder Road's high banked ¼ mile oval, the Williamstown, VT driver's victories have come at Star Speedway, also a ¼ mile and Lee USA Speedway, a 3/8ths mile. Sanair, which is 7/8ths of a mile in length, will be a big departure from his comfort zone. "I ran once at Sanair, the last time the Late Model Tour was there," Michaud stated, "But I have no information that will be helpful come July - the cars have changed so much since then and we run a different tire. We'll set up a fairly neutral car and make adjustments as needed," he explaineded. Michaud finished 20th when the ACT Tour was there on August 16, 1998. Drivers from seven Northeastern states and Canada are represented in the 40+ drivers who are eligible for the Goodyear tires. Among the notables looking to score some free rubber are Derek Lynch and Robbie Thompson from Ontario, Empire State drivers, Mark Lamberton and Fred LaGoy and no less than 15 Vermont competitors. Representing Maine is multi-time champion, Ben Rowe, Steve Reny and Ron Henry, to name a few. From the Granite State of New Hampshire comes "Rocket" Roger Brown, Mike Collins and 16 year-old sensation, Joey Polewarczyk. From southern New England comes Ryan Vanasse from Rhode Island, AJ Begin and Marc Curtis from Massachusetts as well as Connecticut racers Dennis Botticello and Walter Sutcliffe, among others. The ACTion Super Series kicks off with the July 8-9 race at the Sanair Super Speedway, a 7/8ths mile tri-oval. Over $70,000 has been posted for La Mega Classique which will be contested "Monza-style" with a combined score from three 50-lap segments determining the overall winner. For more information contact the ACT office at 802-244-6963 or visit www.acttour.com. -30- Contact: Marjorie Mulligan Fay 802-244-6963 E-mail: marjorieatact@aol.comORMarjorie@acttour.com 802-238-1200/cell