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Now with all that out of the way.....Let's make some laps!
Legends: 1. George Whitney, Westbrook, 2. Mark Bakaj, Lebanon, 3. David Caissie, Marlboro, MA; 4. Glen Billings, Glastonbury; 5. Chris Bakaj, Farmington; 6. Jason Palmer, Berlin; 7. Justin Rau, Plantsville; 8. Max Zachem, Preston; 9. Stan Carpenter, Auburn, MA; 10. Curt D’Addario Jr., Manchester.
X-Cars: 1. Curtis D’Addario Sr., Columbia; 2. Michael Yost, Groton; 3. John Diamantini, Oakville; 4. John Kelly III, Groton; 5. Mark Caise, Gales Ferry; 6. Troy Marvin, Amston; 7. Robert Varney, Bozah; 8. Patrick Williams, East Haddam; 9. Brad Voglesong, Middletown; 10. David Syren, Westerly, RI.
X-Modifieds: 1.John Kurtzman, Stratford; 2. Dean Christensen, Granby; 3. ScottFern, Springfield, MA; 4. Brian DiMartino, Cromwell; 5. Doug Brochu, Willimantic; 6. Kevin Shea, Mystic; 7. David Flammia Jr., Waterbury; 8. Benjamin Lee Sr., Groton.
Super X – George Correia, East Hartford; 2. John Yagmin, Wethersfield; 3. Mark Cooper, Northford; 4. Joe Campbell, Plainfield; 5. Jim Consalvo, East Hartford; 6. Dan Yagmin, Wethersfield; 7. Robert Onofrio, Northford; 8. Robert Carlson, Rockville; 9. Chris Mello, Cranston, RI; 10. Seth Smith, Waterford.
Women On Wheels: 1. Jennifer Wallington, Westerly, RI; 2.Lisa Voglesong, Middletown; 3. Kim Diamantini, Oakdale; 4. Kathryn Civardi, Taftville; 5. Wendi Dunn, Danielson; 6. Kimberly Yost, Groton; 7. Dawn Payne, Griswold; 8. Jennifer Durkee, Hebron; 9. Michelle Watkins, Lyme; 10.Maureen Kevorkian, Colchester.