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With the normal jitters and nervousness of his NASCAR Craftsman Truck Series debut now behind him, rookie Ryan Moore is hoping that his past experience at Dover International Speedway will be beneficial in his second run with Key Motorsports in as many weeks in Friday's AAA Insurance 200.
Despite a disappointing debut at Mansfield Motorsports Speedway in which electrical problems curtailed Moore's run and resulted in a last place finish in the #40 Key Motorsports Chevrolet Silverado, returning to a track where Ryan has enjoyed some past success should help everyone forget what happened last weekend.
"I love racing at Dover, and I expect our fortunes to turn around this coming weekend", Moore said today from the Key Motorsports race shop in Mooresville, NC. "Barry (crew chief Dodson) and the crew knew going into the Mansfield race that there were some unknowns about our race truck there. They worked almost every kink out, though, and the truck actually raced good, but when the engine started shutting off driving through the corners halfway through the race, it pretty much ended our chances at a good finish. I don't expect the same thing to happen at Dover", Moore added.
The culprit at Mansfield was a dislodged battery that disrupted the power connection, and Moore's problems actually began while he was running seventh some 80 laps into the fray.
"What happened at Mansfield should never have happened", said Dodson, "but Ryan was a true champion and did all that he could do to be competitive under some difficult circumstances. He really did a great job in his first truck series race and on a track he never had seen before, let alone race at, so we are optimistic about our chances at Dover.
Moore twice ran racecars at Dover while competing in what was the old NASCAR Busch North Grand National Series. In last year's event in September on the Monster Mile, he went at it tooth and nail with eventual winner and 2-time defending Series champion Andy Santerre over the final dozen laps or so before settling for a runner-up finish.
"The Dover track really suits my driving style, and knowing the kind of equipment Key Motorsports fielded for me during practice and Chad Chaffin in the race at Gateway a few weeks back, they are capable of putting together a pretty sound piece. I'm hoping that happens for me at Dover. I'm looking forward to it", Moore added.
The Key Motorsports Chevrolet will receive some associate sponsor help for the Dover race in the form of the 2FatGuys American Grill, a popular eatery in northern Delaware, near the Pennsylvania border. Friday's AAA Insurance 200 is scheduled to get the green flag at 4:45 p.m. with qualifying to take place earlier in the morning after Thursday's full day of practice.