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Sad News: Spencer Clark Killed in Auto Accident:Nineteen year-old NASCAR Busch Series driver Spencer Clark died late Sunday night in a single-car accident on Interstate 40 about forty miles east of Albuquerque, New Mexico. Clark, who was a passenger in the truck, was returning to his native Las Vegas, Nevada after spending the last couple of weeks preparing a car in the Charlotte, North Carolina area for this weekend’s NASCAR West Series race at the Irwindale Speedway. As his truck and trailer were navigating the tricky crosswinds over the Sandia Mountain range, an unexpected gust of wind began a short sequence of events that ultimately led to the vehicle overturning. Clark was pronounced dead on the scene. “Spencer Clark was one of the most talented drivers that we have at MMI and we have been blessed by working with some of our sport’s best,” noted company founder Cary JC Agajanian. “He was one of the cornerstones of our Driver Development department. It is always awful to lose any young man, but this one in particular is going to hurt. Spencer was a good kid with a heart of gold that was as fierce of a competitor as anyone on a racetrack. His sheer talent and determination alone were enough to propel him into the NASCAR Busch Series and we expected many great achievements from him in the future. This is really heartbreaking both on a personal and professional level. He had the ability to go very far in the sport. This is a tragic loss to all of us at MMI and we extend our deepest sympathies to his parents, TJ and Debbie, and his sister Candice. His parents poured there heart and soul into Spencer’s efforts. They were his biggest supporters and we hate that they have to go through this.” Clark made his NASCAR Busch Series debut at the Las Vegas Motor Speedway this past March with the help of local Las Vegas sponsor, Allegiant Air. With a car that was prepared by family and friends going against the high-dollar efforts of full-time NASCAR Busch Series teams, Clark qualified the car 33rd and finished 35th after a day of learning and adapting to the high-level competition. The day was even more special to Spencer as he had grown up winning multiple main-events on the bullring located just outside turn two of the superspeedway and had been able to race in front of some of the same people that had supported him from the very beginning of his career. In eight career NASCAR West Series races, Clark had recorded three top-5 finishes and a pole at Phoenix in January. Funeral arrangements are pending at this time.(Motorsports Management PR)(5-22-2006)