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Sadler Stepping Out of #90 to Give Development Drivers More Races: A source with Robert Yates Racing said Tuesday during the test session at the Lowe's Motor Speedway, that the team has been informed that Elliott Sadler is stepping out from behind the wheel of the #90 for a while to allow the development drivers, Stephen Leict and Matt McCall to get more seat-time. Both Leicht and McCall are hoping to run the Carquest 300 at LMS at the end of the month. McCall however had a tough day testing on Tuesday after wrecking his machine. Leicht is entered in Darlington this weekend while McCall will run the ARCA event in Kentucky.(BGNRacing.com)(05-10-2006)
MOORESVILLE, N.C. -- As part of the reorganization at Robert Yates Racing, Elliott Sadler will move back into Yates Racing's No. 90 Ford entry in the Busch Series, beginning with Saturday's Carquest Auto Parts 300 at Lowe's Motor Speedway. Several weeks ago, the team announced Sadler would concentrate on his No. 38 Nextel Cup car, but the Yates family, looking at the bigger picture, decided the Busch program needed Sadler's continued hands-on input. Although Sadler's renewed schedule has yet to be determined, Yates -- who a spokesperson said remains committed to development drivers Stephen Leicht and Matt McCall -- canceled Leicht's entry for Lowe's and replaced McCall with Sadler. Both drivers will be chosen to compete in select Busch races this season. Jerry Pitts will assume crew chief duties for the No. 90, replacing Raymond Fox III. Pitts most recently served as crew chief for Leicht and McCall in the ARCA Series. The No. 90 car is currently 28th in the Busch owner standings, with one top-10 finish in 12 starts. -- Team Release