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Now with all that out of the way.....Let's make some laps!
1. 06 Les Hinckely 2. 48 Ed Dachenhausen 3. 28 Dwight Jarvis 4. 83 Chris Wentzel 5. 25 Gary Casella 6. 72 Jimmy Kuhn, Jr. 7. 04 Dave Berube 8. 17 Jack Bateman 9. 43 Kirk Alexander 10. 35 Dale Evonsion 11. 8 Marc-Andre Cliché 12. 21 Richard Savary 13. 11 Les Mardanes 14. 42 Josh Currier 15. 2 Luke Royea 16. 40 Jon McKennedy 17. 70 Andy Seuss 18. 01 Rob Goodenough 19. 79 Dave Roys 20. 1 Sean Bodreau 21. 09 Bobby Grigas, III 22. 10 Dave Berghman 23. 47 Jim Storace 24. 77 Bruce Batchelder
“Hinckley Storms To Victory At Canaan Fair Speedway”
Windsor Locks, Ct., racer Les Hinckley started outside front row Saturday night, shot into the lead at the drop of the green flag and led 92 of the scheduled 100 laps of the Chappy’s Concessions 100 presented by Northeast Waste Servicds and Bly Machine at the Canaan Fair Motorsports Complex,Canaan,N.H., on a night that saw thirty seven modified racers from throughout the northeast travel to the ‘Upper Valley” of New Hampshire, a fifty minute late start because of rain, several persistent showers, six caution flags, a race shortened by track curfew, and high winds that created wind chills in the upper 30’s. Because of the rain delays the 100 lap race went green at 10:56pm; four minutes shy of a town ordinance that prohibits a race from starting beyond 11:00pm. Hinckley set a fast pace early on, was chased by rookie Bobby Grigas III, Marshfield, Ma, in his strongest run yet, holding down the number two spot until lap 34 when a support bar broke forcing the young driver to the sidelines. Danbury, Ct., hot shoe Ed Dachenhausen moved to the runner-up spot and chased the race leader to the finish while Ascutney, Vt., veteran Dwight Jarvis, a two time winner at Canaan in 2004 turned in another solid run and finished third. Chris Wenzel, Holyoke, Ma, ran a strong race to finish fourth while Gary Casella, Saugus, Ma, rounded out the top five.
Hinckley’s win was popular with fans and competitors as the Connecticut driver struggled in 2005 with only one win in the TVMRS record book. Hinckley said the win means a lot to his team. “I believe we had a good car at Monadnock but we had clutch problems, we never got it straightened out but obviously we did for here. The 12 or 13 months since that win at Monadnock (2005 opener) has been steadily downhill but there has been a big effort on Chuck and Debbie’s (owners) part to turn things around, they made a big commitment, and I am grateful. Hopefully we are turning things around. This is a well deserved win for this team, they work hard, last year was a year to forget, move on and we’ll go from here
The weather wreaked havoc all night long with fans, officials, and pit crew personnel as temperatures continued to drop. Did it affect Hinckley in any way? “I wasn’t to concerned about it, I have run here before, we have run here in different weather conditions, maybe it’s me but the track is extremely smooth, it’s got a ton of grip in it, you can go back to the throttle quick and early and hard if the cars going good, we’ve always had a good car here so to me it wasn’t a big issue. We did not a change a thing from afternoon to night.”
The race was slowed by spins, minor collisions, and mechanical issues. The event also saw a couple of firsts as two new drivers won preliminary races with very little experience in modified race cars. Newport N.H. rookie Josh Currier won his consolation round to gain entrance into the main event while 22 yr old Canadian rookie, Marc-Andre Cliché of Valley Junction P.Q. became the first international race winner on the third year tour as he won his qualifying heat. Cliché has only two modified races under his belt in a car formerly driven by Kirby Monteith and owned by Lyle and Kathi Patterson who are now officials with the tour.
The next tour stop for the TVMRS will be Lee USA Speedway, Lee, N.H.,
Sunday May 21,at 2pm. They’ll be joined by the ACT Late Models for the running of the REMAX 100. It will be the first time these two touring divisions will be on the same race card.
Busch East star Eddie MacDonald is reportedly interested in pursuing a ride with the tour and is in negotiations to drive the second car of an established race team. MacDonald is trying to secure the ride for the Lee race, a track owned by his family.
Race Summary
100 laps Time: 1 hr 2 minutes
Hinckley led green to checkered flag
Black Mountain Painting ½ way award: Hinckley
Sunoco Hard Charger Award: Jack Bateman
Sherwood Wheels (4th place) Chris Wenzel
Koszela Speed Awards: 5th Gary Casella 15th Luke Royea