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Now with all that out of the way.....Let's make some laps!
I just heard that Duke Place won the SK lights feature! That's my old car from my avitar. This kid has worked on the car all winter long facing alot of up hill battles with the car being 15 plus years old. Way to go kid!!
Anybody have any highlights that they'd like to share about the race? How did Shelly Perry do? She's a pretty "hot shoe" out there too. looks to be a great division for entry level mod drivers.
Shelly Perry made the podium. (I want to say she finished second.) Good for her. I'd like to see her win one of these weeks. She's got potential and she's showing it in the last few laps of the race.
In other action, there was one major caution involving Chris Matthews (#29). He went over another car and slid across the start/finish line. Can't remember who the other car was that was involved in the crash, but Matthews was a clear memory in my mind.
Shelly's from my hometown. We've been watching her for a couple of years at Thompson in the minis'. She gets better and better. She WILL win in this division. Glad to see she and Duke did well last night.