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Ascutney, Vermont modified veteran Dwight Jarvis knows the fast way around the Canaan Fair Speedway, Canaan, N.H., and he hopes that knowledge will pay off this Saturday night May 6 when the True Value Modified Racing Series returns to the Granite State oval for the running of the Chappy’s Concessions 100, presented by Northeast Waste Services.
The race is the first of two scheduled events in 2006 at Canaan, the second on Labor Day weekend Sept 2, and a third race, a non points event will be run on Friday night July 14. The TVMRS staged two events at Canaan in 2004 and one non points race there last year. This Saturday nights event will be the second race of the new season. Defending champion Kirk Alexander,
W.Swanzey, N.H., won the opener two weeks ago and takes an early point lead into the event.
All eyes will be on the driver of the # 28 car, as the 33 year racing veteran Jarvis looks to further his success at the 1/3 mile oval. In August and September of 2004, he won a pair of 100 lap races and always is considered a threat when “Rolling Thunder” roars at Canaan. Dwight is coming off a solid third place finish at Monadnock, and the winner of the first ever “711 Award” for professionalism on and off the track , sits third in the point standings as a result of that opening night performance.
Series stars like Cornish, NH.,veteran Bucky Demers, Springfield,Vt’s Bruce Batchelder, Claremont N.H., driver Sean Bodreau, series founder Canaan’s own Jack Bateman , Ed Dachenhausen, Danbury, Ct., Andy Seuss, Hampstead, NH., Les Hinckley, Windsor Locks, Ct., are just a few of the names entered. 2006 Rookie of the Year contender Karl Fredrickson, Fremont, NH, is expected to make his first start of the new season.
Fans are reminded that in advance of the race program, a car show including appearances by drivers and their cars will held at Shaker Valley Auto Ctr,
Route 4, Enfield, N.H., from 10am to 2pm. Shaker Valley is the official supplier and sponsor of the tours safety truck.
Modified qualifying heats will kick off the show starting at 6 PM.
Directions to Canaan Fair Speedway:
Exit 17 off Rte 89 toward Enfield. Travel 11 miles on US Rte 4 East