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Now with all that out of the way.....Let's make some laps!
Man Sid this is a tough set of questions you have posed to the gallery! I'm gonna take a shot at the drivers and the divisions and see where that gets me.
Well, if it makes ya feel any better - maybe the reason it's so hard is because I got the question wrong... DUH!! - although it happen in the ol' Modified days, no one has ever put up 10 SK Mod wins in a season. Dennis Gada has the division record with 9...
LM - (4) Phil Rondeau 1987-10, 1988-10, 1989-14, 1992-11
Matt Kobyluck put up 10 over 2 seasons - 5 each in '96 & '97, which is his highest season win total. Jeff Karns only ran 1 season in the Saturday Mini Stocks - 1995, where he won the point championship with 4 wins.
So let me wrap this up and kick ya some k-nowledge:
The 4 remaining occurences are:
Allen Coates won 10 Sportsman (then-Strictly Stock) features in 1996
Tom Fox (thought he'd be an easy guess) threw done a 10 spot or more 3 times during his late model days: 1991-10, 1993-10 & 1996-11
Fox also is the leader in the last part of the question as two of those years he did not winthe championship: 1991 (Rondeau) & 1996 (Brouwer Jr)
Dan Darnstaedt loss the point title to Karns in 1995 despite his 11 wins and...
Corey Hutchings loss the point title to Chris "Moose" Douton in 1999 despite his 10 wins
...alright so maybe that was a bit much... but interesting at least...
Ahh should have remembered T.Fox putin it on the competition back in that time frame, as I was on one of the oposing teams that was getting there behinds handed to them by him.
And now I also recall AC whipin up on everybody in the Strictlys that year.
Hey Trivia peeps - just a footnote that Allen Coates only had 9 wins in '96 not 10. Not that anyone's losing sleep, but ya know, I like to get it right.... even after I get it wrong....