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Now with all that out of the way.....Let's make some laps!
Ok the season is underway, so it is about time for some thoughts from my mind.
The first thing is all the controversy surounding Joe Brady and the #00 team.
Many people question if Joe will be commited to running the full Whelen Tour schedule with Rick Fuller. To this I ask has he not allready run the first three Southern Tour events? Yes they are "easy pickings" so to speak, but the amount of money made compared to the amount spent to race is not really equall. I feel they will run the full tour and Rick will once again prove to be one of the most consistant Tour drives of all time.
There was alot of talk about the new Tours in the South not being able to field cars.
So far there have been record car counts at every Whelen Southern Modified Tour event. Bowman-Grey Stadium has a great roster of drivers assembled. The new ASA SMRT has generated great interest as well. L.W. Miller III has returned to NASCAR Modified racing, and several new tracks are hosting modified events. So I would have to say things look pretty good for the modifieds in "taxi - cab country".
The small schedule for the Whelen Modified Tour.
At first I was like everyone else, "what the hell is this joke". Then the roster began to form. Wow, look at all these cars and new drivers. Now two races are added with the possibility of more. Yes some are shorter with smaller purses. Too this I say look at the TVMRS. If the Whelen Tour is to grow, I believe the answer is shorter races without the need for tire changes. I know that the teams have all the pit-road equipment, but so do most teams in all divisions at Weekly Series tracks. If we can cut cost to compete, we can race for less money. Then more tracks could afford to host races, in the long run there would be more money available. Think of it like this, if there are 10 races and you make $2000 per race or if there are 25 races and you make $1000 per race, which is better. Then if you do not buy tires for those 25 races you made even more. The True Value Modified Racing Series is an example to be followed in my opinion.
These are just a few things on my mind, thought I would share them. Let me know what you think. -WMT-