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The latest rumor that is circulating is a combination Whelen and Whelen Southern Modified Tour race at Richmond being added to the schedule. Motor Mile Speedway is another track in the rumor mill for a Northern Tour race. The Southern Tour will compete at Motor Mile in 2006.
-- Edited by WhelenModifiedTour at 21:51, 2006-06-07
First I'm going to say that the possibility of the WMT going to Richmond is great news as it's one of the best tracks to watch the Mods race at. Motor Mile sounds like a nice facility, and would probably be a good addition to the schedule as well. With Jennerstown and Holland looking like their being added to the schedule, and the possibility of one of the two tracks mentioned above being added as well the dismal outlook everyone had when this years WMT schedule was announced could be eased.
Now I've seen a lot of debate on other forums on whether this is a good thing or a bad one, to me it's a double edged sword. The purses for WMT events as we all know put simply stink, and I wouldn't be suprised if most of the teams outside of the top 6 or 7 budget wise, struggle to go from race to race as it is now and then you add in two, possibly three long haul events.
On the other side of the coin the T in WMT stands for Tour and I guess if your going to step your game up as a team and commit to running the WMT, you should be prepared financially and personel wise for what gets thrown at you.
Then you have the fans, who I think sometimes some people seem to forget are what it's supposed to be all about. With the cost of gas, food, and lodging through the roof may find it hard to justify trips to any of these events.