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Now with all that out of the way.....Let's make some laps!
on the afternoon on march 31 2006 i set off to walk the property of this racetrack once again....... the 1st time i went there i only saw the track and general layout, the 2nd time i went there i seen a bit more plus took pictures.... but the 3rd and last time i was to go there, i wanted to scan the whole property to see what is left behind, and what is left..... not that i knew but i would have a grateful encoutner of a person that helped me with the events of this place......
with my dog in tow, we set off to millers falls at 2:30 and got there around 3..... my only intent when we got to millers falls center<rt 63> was to go to the store and buy a soda, but when i walked in the store, i seen this older gentelmen over by the deli and something in my head was telling me "scott, if you dont ask him, you will never know" so i went up to the man<his name is edward> and asked
me : hello sir, i have a question to ask you
edward : sure
me : i am a amatuer historian, i like to ask you about the speedway and strip joint on millers falls road called ryhtem inn speedway, and rtyhem inn ???
to see this mans eyes light up like a 16 year old, hes taken back,
edward : i remember that place so well, what do you have so far?
me : from what i was told, the track opened in 1951, track closed in 1959
he then asks me if i have been up there before, i could not lie to him and say i have not, but i did tell him that during the winter i had gone up there to see the general layout and did not see much because of the obscure view because of the snow<1-2 inches but still> he then looks at his watch and asks
edward : how much time do have have??
me : i got an hour or so, i was going to walk the whole peremiter of the property to find anything that i missed before
edward : lets go up there and walk around and we will see whats up there.....
we took seperate cars and arrived on the shoulder, just off of where turn 1 would have been..... i had gotten out of the car when i heard him say,
edward : this is where the parking lot was, you would walk about 30 feet and you would have been near the door off the inn..... the inn is no longer there, the track was shut down because of the nieghbors complaining about the dust, and man the track was dusty, the inn on the other had was open for another 4-5 years, it cought fire and burnt to the ground, nothing remains, not even a cement slab
we jumped over the enbankment and walked around turn 1 of the speedway, crossed over the enbankment again and he started to laugh,
edward " this surface was so damn rocky..... in a race there was an avg of 2 flat tires per race, and the tires that were flat, they put them here, <which was the back stright wall with a row of tires in the enbankment, then he stops for a minute looks over the wall and says...... ahhhhhhh there is light post over here <lightpost used for night racing>
we walked untill we got to turn 3, we got to the opening and he says "over here was where the cars were pitted", and proceeded to go where there was a large ditch in the ground,
edward : people use to work on there cars here, if a spark plug fouled, they use to get PO-ED and chuck them here, somepeople when as far as throwing wrenches in here at 1 point, it would not be a good idea to use a metal detector here since it would be driving you nuts,
we walked around the pits and got to the exit going into turn 4...... then he tells me to come over,
edward : you see how this road is <road besides the speedway> this road was not as wide as it is today, there was a small road along the front strech and it went behind the seating... the seating was very little, very few seats where here
at that time i had asked him about the surface and how it was prepared, he looks at me and said, it was groomed by his best friend, no longer with us but he does remember drinking beer with him during the last few races that the track was open, he said he was 19 and i can do the math on what his ages is today,
after we took the lap around the speedway he then tells me that theres not much to see behind the back strech, you might or might not find anything to do with the track, but the property line goes from the road to the cematary and goes from the cemetary north about 150 feet, which is roughly 4-5 acres<EST> and if you bump into someone, mention his name and things should be ok<since the back part of the property is POSTED,
in all this guy helped me alot and i thanked him, he did offer me a beer at the rt 63 roadhouse but he knew i had a dog in tow.... if i had not had the dog i would have greatfully taken his offer........when he left the property i did take a scan of the back part of the property, i did not find anything good........ but when i left there, i fullfilled what i was seeking, a peice of new england history........
hes lived in the area most of his life...... virtually walking distance from the speedway..... he had it made..... fast cars and fast women..... now how can ya go wrong????? lol